It’s A Phase We Are All Glad We Passed


Take me back to those days where all that matters was the next place to go have some fun. I was going through my gallery and I came across this picture of me in a pool. This picture was taken in 2018 when I was thinking of preparing for my final exams in college. We were so stressed with the preparation for our final exams, reading our books and hoping we don’t fail our exams. No one wants to come back to the school after spending 4 years there because of some failed course.

That day, my roommate(@onwugbenuvictor) and I felt that, we have have been stressing ourselves and killing ourselves with reading. Why don’t we go out and have some fun to ease the stress of always thinking about our future. You know that feeling of, what will I do with my life after university? Am I going to be unemployed? Am I going to be a liability to my parents? When will I start considering myself a responsible adult? These were all the thoughts going through my head and am sure they were going through my friend’s head also.


My final year in school was quite an adventurous one, that was the moment I knew that adult hood was about to become a reality for me. It was time to focus on my life, future and stop thinking like a child. Coming to university I was given this orientation that all I needed to be successful in life was go to school, study, graduate and I will have a job waiting for me. The more time I spent in school, the more I realized that all those were not going to happen. So it was easy for fear to creep in and I started doubting myself. I can remember doubting myself and I went to one of my roommates to complain about my doubts and he ended up pointing out how lucky I was. He talked about how his academical life is at the edge. Any little mistake can cause a dent in his life and how he is hoping that he doesn’t make any of those mistakes.

During my final years, my interest in my academics declined really fast. I found myself not reading my books anymore. I found myself getting more worried about the future than my CGPA. This is because at this point I had convinced my self that my CGPA is not going to save me in the outside world. I heard about how skills are needed more to survive in the outside world than my CGPA


While I was having all these thoughts, one thing that kept me sane is the fact that I knew that I wasn’t the only one having all these doubts. My friends and I including other people in their finals felt the same way. Everyone dealt with it in their own way, some went partying, some decided to spend time with their families and some like me, just spent time watching movies and spending time with friends.


While I was preparing for my final exams, I couldn’t help but appreciate my final days in school. I was so grateful for all the things I learnt in school, I was more grateful for the experience I got during my internship days. I got the opportunity of working with some of the most amazing laboratory chemist who taught me lots of things. Like going to analyze the chemical component of water and how the activities surrounding the environment is affecting the environment. Interning there seemed cool, because I had to wear protective gears and act serious like I was serious a human being.


One of my best memories was defending my Internship program in school. This was a day we all have been waiting for because we couldn’t wait to prove to our lecturers that we actually learnt something during our internship. That day was a good day to dress up and wear a tie, we were all excited. Because doing these things made us feel like we were doing grown up things. Most of us tried imagining ourselves dressing that way to work when we get employed.

The other person in the picture is @onwugbenuvictor and he gave me the permission to post it

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