High Stakes | Freewrite Prompt : Don't Worry

Image by Sophia Hilmar from Pixabay

Author's note: I will be using @rbhayes account for my journey back into writing from hereon.
Meet new characters this week. Will this be a start of another series? Stay tuned.

Day 1984: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: don't worry

"What the hell are you doing here??!" She furiously whispered in question at the man she wasn't planning to stumble upon in a place like this.

"The same reason why you're here." The man had cheekily replied in an equally hushed tone, but at seeing her raised eyebrows looking for a more plausible reason, he then added, "Alright we're after the same crook behind this operation." He gestured towards the gated fort in emphasis.

"I'm only after what that crook and his goons took from my property. We'll also be seriously outnumbered." She deadpanned.

"Don't worry, I've got a plan-- hey!" He was cut off from going over his plan as she continued to sneak pass him, heading towards the side walls.

"How about this, I'll get you through those gates, you get what you came for and if you need a getaway plan, meet me on the roof?" She gave him a breezy reply at seeing how he followed after her like a lost pup.


"Keep it short. I'll give you half an hour at most or I'm leaving you behind." She cut him off at his protest and proceeded to scale the walls.

It was a good thing she already managed to research the layout of the place before this initial one-man infiltration, but now she had another person to think about.

"Helion!" She exclaimed in relief, being welcomed with a soft neigh as she came closer to the white-coated equine. She took a quick glance at her wristwatch, it had taken her longer than expected to find Helion in this place, but time was almost up for her so-called companion.

Just as she got on Helion and prepared for the worst, she heard the ensuing footsteps rushing to the roof, "I got what I needed! Wait for me!"

"Well then hurry and get on!" He stared at her questioningly at that, giving her a look as to why she was riding on a horse on an open rooftop, but the incoming angry shouts that were after him was enough to break him out of his hesitance as he clambered on too.

"Don't let them get away!" He heard the angry shouts but they were soon drowned out by his own shouts as the horse started galloping towards the edge of the roof.

"What the fuuu--!!"

He couldn't believe his eyes as mid-air, the horse had sprung white feathered wings, flying them off into the lightening sky of dawn.

Helion as it turned out, was a pegasus.

My books are now available:


Never Bother


Don't You Cry No More

DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

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