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ZapFicMonday: The Performance

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I walked on to the bright stage, frozen.

"Sing or get out" they yelled.

I opened my dry mouth, but nothing came out.

My old guitar was as futile as my voice.

I must not fail my late wife. A divine voice filled the big hall.

The crowd went wild.



#ZapFicMonday is a contest created by @freewritehouse. It is a fun but also challenging contest where you need to write a story under 240 characters. For every story, a prompt will be provided. I like to join this contest because sometimes I can’t think of anything to write. So put your skills to the test and write an interesting story in under 240 characters.


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Inspiration: 7 Symptoms That You Maybe Overthinking

Short Quotes About Friendship

Monday Motivation: 7 Fundamental Truths To Help You Achieve Your Dreams

5 Strategies To Help Us Stop Over Thinking

Monday Motivation: 7 Strategies To Overcome Your Self Doubts

5 fundamental Truths To live By
Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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