[ENG-SPA] My entry to #ZapFic50Friday with the prompt: Material. Memories on Canva.

Good morning friends, and happy saturday, this is my entry for the challenge of #ZapFic50Friday with the prompt: Material, in the #FreeWriteHouse community. I hope you enjoy it.

Memories on canvas

Foto de cottonbro studio Source

The early morning breeze made him gets up to close the window; when he returned to bed, he saw in front of him the half-naked body of his beloved. He went to the closet and took out the easel and other painting materials to immortalize memories of that first time.

Image edit by me using CANVA

Spanish version

Recuerdos En Lienzo

La brisa de la madrugada lo hizo levantarse a cerrar la ventana, al volver a la cama vio frente así el cuerpo semidesnudo de su amada, se dirigió al closet, saco el caballete y los demás materiales de pintura para inmortalizar en el lienzo el recuerdo de la primera vez.

Imagen editada por mi usando CANVA
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