Making your wife your best friend pays || A 5 minutes reflection.


The best thing that can ever happen to any married man is to make his wife his best friend especially in this period of covid 19 lockdown.

A best friend is that person that is close to the friend and connects to the soul; that understands your verbal and body language and knows how and when to sooth every pain. Someone that you will say anything to and not regret it. Someone you can display the height of foolishness and not judge you as foolish.

To most couple, friendship ( if it even exists) is something that happens in the days of courtship and ends after the marriage rite has been completed. It is believed that the wife should know her place and not rub shoulder with "His Royal Highness". Therefore the man who was once very playful and friendly becomes a terror to the woman he had profess love to.

Oftentimes, men with this disposition are those who have suffered greatly in the hands of abusive and exploitsive women, while a handful of them have been advised by older men not to give room to any woman (mostly their wives) to take them for a ride.

They prefer to losen up and be playful with strange women and make them happier than their wives at home. As a matter of fact, the girls are privy to information they can leverage on more than the wives.

These men had their days in full and suddenly, the most decorated and dreaded sheriff came to town( Corona virus) and bum!, they became lonely. The strange women have relocated to their homes and the randy men back to their wives and make the house a living hell for the women.

On the other hand, the men who have their wives at heart will not wait for the day's activity to end without hearing from or seeing their wives. They brought friendship in courtship and carried it over to the marriage. As a matter of fact, the friendship just began in marriage.

They carry less burden because they are not afraid to share their worries with their wives and gets solutions or a positive pointer to the next level.

With the coming to town of the new sheriff ( Corona virus), it gives this set of men the long awaited opportunity to have quality time with their wives, having a better understanding of the newest version of them ( as women's behavioral pattern is dynamic) and wishing the lockdown never ends.

Making your Wife your best friend gives her access to your

  • Documents
  • Phones
  • Financial Transactions
  • Account Informations and
  • your Estate.

Your wife as your best friend guarantees the security of your children and Estate in the eventuality of your demise.

Make your wife your best friend today and enjoy endless days of marital bliss.

Thank you for sharing with my 5 minutes reflection.

I am


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