You Say Beard, I Say Bread, a freewrite



"Wait. I thought you said bee bread. My mistake. So where were we?"

Bee beards. I saw one today. That's not good.

"Was the poor fellow (had to have been a man) terribly hurt?"

What man?

"The man with the bee beard."

lol you don't know anything about bees, do you? I'm in my second year of bee keeping, so I know quite a bit. I don't know why my bees died over last winter though. I hope they survive this winter, it's been pretty cold.

"I know about bee bread, but that's about it. I read about it in a novel."

Everyone knows about bee bread. I had a couple slices just this morning.

"No no, I'm talking about really black honey."

You mean buckwheat honey?

"No, no. I spread buckwheat honey on my toast just this morning. Love the stuff. This honey I'm talking about is black, and you're not supposed to take it all out of your hive in the fall because the bees need it to survive through the winter.

Uh oh.

This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge. Today's prompt is bee beard.

Sometimes a story flashes into my head and I don't take the time to set the timer lest I lose the story altogether. This was one of those stories. It didn't take very long to write and proofread, no longer than six minutes I would say. It's an innovation on a conversation I had with a second-year beekeeping friend. And I did read about bee bread in a novel.


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