Let's see the fragrance linger!

Hey guys, hope the week is going fine. I’m here to give you a few tips to get on even better.


I bring you word from the fragrance realm, hahaha. You like to smell good right? And probably loves everyone and everything else around you giving off sweet smelling aura. I bet you’re nodding your head in total agreement with me. If I’m right, which I believe I am, then you’d be totally interested in everything fragrant, just like me. Getting a perfume is one thing, wearing it right is another. In this piece I want to focus on wearing it. I was just exploring and anxious to learn more about this topic and I found out some cool stuff. There are points on your body that are best to wear perfumes for best results. For long lasting smell, apply on your pulse points. Your pulse points are those parts of your body where you can easily feel your pulse because your veins rest closely to your skin there. These spots for this reason too give off more heat. This heat helps to hold on fragrances perfectly and diffuse them without difficulty.


Some of the spots are warmer than some. For ladies, the hot spots are behind the ears, the neck and the chest. While for guys it’s their shoulders, the base of their throats and behind the ears too. The next spots or you could say the warm spots on guys include their chests, inside the wrists and behind the knee. While for ladies it’s their shoulders then behind the knees and inside wrists too. Then lastly, the least warm or rather spots with medium heat are the ankles, belly and inside the elbows for the ladies and just inside the elbows for guys.


With this information now, I don’t just spray my fragrances just aimlessly all about me. I now apply them with focus. Trust me, the outcome is lovely. I grin from ear to ear almost the whole day as people randomly let me know how sweet I smell because the scents now last longer on me. If you’ve been unaware of this too like I was, being a lady or a man, give this a try now and thank me later😁.
PS: Ensure that the fragrances you use on your skin are safe and the ones on your clothes appropriate too.
I’ll be back with more interesting news for you on smelling irresistible… Bye for now.

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