Love in the subway [Eng-Esp]

source“Wow, so many people all together and at the same time, so many people

Love in the subway

With the sun barely trying to loosen the blankets of the night, with a cold mist covering the desolate street, John walks slowly towards the entrance of the subway. Going to central London has been his routine for the past 15 years.

Once he is standing on the platform, a mass of people flow hurriedly, to the rhythm of the loudspeaker voice every time a train departure or arrival is announced. The dim lights and the hectic life do not allow to distinguish any face, besides nobody tries to make eye contact, let alone a short and friendly good morning like this...

For 161 years the London Underground has served to mobilize billions of people daily, each one with their own mental scroll, each one imbued with their dreams or frustrations, thinking that when exiting the tunnel there will be a magical solution.

Before boarding his car, John looks around, thinks, sighs and says, “Wow, so many people all together and at the same time, so many people:

  • Gee so many people together and at the same time so many people alone... well, I must not get tired, I will continue to be the kind and courteous one with my fellow travelers.....

As he sat down, he felt that something had changed, the atmosphere inside the wagon suddenly was no longer cold and distant but warm and even pleasant, I can see that some faces even showed a slight smile.... what's going on my god he wondered to himself...

Then he focused his gaze towards the other door of the carriage, the place where the passengers with happy faces were coming from... who generates that noise... his curiosity was increasing, his heart was beating almost at the speed of the subway, without knowing how he was already making his way through the passengers, suddenly as if someone had activated the emergency brakes he stopped in his tracks... he didn't know if it was him or the subway that had stopped...

There he was, the cause of those smiles, and the change in the people... a black hair barely held by a yellow scarf, a big smile and with a melodious voice he said to the people:

  • Good morning, may you have a wonderful day in your work.....

Oh she is a goddess! Elena is short before so much beauty, in fifteen years she had never seen such a beautiful woman and above all that she had the same attitude? John understood that cupid that day had sold him tickets for the trip of a lifetime.


Amor en el metro

Con el sol apenas tratando de soltar las cobijas de la noche, con una fría neblina cubriendo la desolada calle, John camina lentamente hacia la entrada del metro. Ir al centro de Londres ha sido su rutina en los últimos 15 años.

Una vez que está de pie en el andén, una masa de personas fluye apresuradamente, al ritmo de la voz de los parlantes cada vez que se anuncia la salida o llegada de un tren. Las tenues luces y la agitaba vida no permite distinguir rostro alguno, además nadie intenta el contacto visual y muchos menos un corto y amable buenos días como estas…

Durante 161 años el metro de Londres ha servido para movilizar a miles de millones de personas diariamente, cada quien con su propio rollo mental, cada uno imbuido en sus sueños o frustraciones, pensando que al salir del túnel habrá una solución mágica.

Antes de abordar su vagón John, mira a su alrededor, piensa, suspira y dice:
-Caramba tanta gente junta y al mismo tiempo tanta gente sola… bueno, no debo cansarme, seguiré siendo el amable y cortes con mis compañeros de viaje…

Al sentarse, sintió que algo había cambiado, el ambiente dentro del vagón súbitamente ya no era frio y distante sino cálido y hasta agradable, puedo ver que algunos rostros hasta mostraban una ligera sonrisa…. que está pasando dios mío se preguntó hacia sus adentros…

Entonces enfoco su mirada hacia la otra puerta del vagón lugar de donde provenían los pasajeros con rostro alegre… quien genera esa algarabía… su curiosidad iba en aumento, su corazón latía casi que a la velocidad del metro, sin saber cómo ya se abría paso entre los pasajeros, de pronto como si alguien hubiese accionado los frenos de emergencia se detuvo en seco… no sabía si era él o el metro que se había detenido…

Allí estaba, la causa de esas sonrisas, y el cambio en las personas… una cabellera negra apenas sostenida por un pañuelo amarillo, una gran sonrisa y con una voz melodiosa les decía a las personas:

  • Buenos días, que tenga usted un maravilloso día en su trabajo…

Oh es una diosa! Elena se queda corta ante tanta belleza, en quince años jamás había visto a una mujer tan hermosa y sobre todo que tuviera su misma actitud... John comprendió que, cupido ese día le había vendido tickets del viaje de su vida.

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