How did dinosaurs reproduce?

I hope you are super good. on this occasion, I want to share with you something that for some strange reason was hanging around my head today (a few hours ago).

I started researching and well, I think the information can be interesting and even curious for many.

Have you ever wondered how dinosaurs reproduced?

We already know that they laid eggs, but ... How did they do their little things?

That's what I started researching and well, here we are.


Source: pixabay

Dinosaurs lived for about 150 million years all over the planet, they were different shapes and sizes.

For many years, paleontologists have studied them and have discovered a series of data about their appearance, diet and way of life, however, there are some data that perhaps due to modesty or taboo are not so studied.

Or they are not in the public domain

But well, the question without hairs on the tongue would be:

How did dinosaurs have sex?

Source: pixabay

Sometimes, for reasons of life, fossilized remains of sharks, turtles and other animals have been found in full sexual act.

However, this "luck" has not been run with the dinosaurs, this is because so much time has passed, that the white tissue of the dinosaurs is practically non-existent, therefore the appearance of the genitals of these extinct animals is unknown.

In fact, a few years ago the difference between female and male dinosaurs was discovered and this was thanks to their bones... Female dinosaurs extracted calcium from their bones to build their eggs.

There is evidence that many times, dinosaurs began their sexual life very young, even before reaching their adult size and all the hardness of their body, which would greatly facilitate reproductive work Because as we know, there are dinosaurs with defense mechanisms such as plates, horns and armor.

Those horns could have been a death trap for males when trying to mate.

Source: pixabay

Scientists believe that riding it from the back, as quadrupeds normally do, is not an easy option. It is believed that the females lay on their sides and thus facilitate contact, another theory is that the act was carried out in the water or in swamps so that the weight factor was not so large.

All these are theories and until adequate technology is created we will not be able to know for sure how these animals mated.

Thank you for taking the time to read me.

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