Day 947: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: the new normal


This is my post for #freewrite Monday prompt the new normal hosted by @mariannewest

When I read this prompt I can not help but wonder how many of us will follow the guidelines for the new normal because what I am seeing is many have not given up the old normal.

We are pretty much flooded with rain and it is to continue tomorrow, so no fishing. My husband went to the dock to feed our bait and two men were standing there looking at Charlies' new artwork. One was an old friend and he stuck his hand out to shake my husband's hand. He told me he did not want to do it but he did not want to insult the man and he shook his hand but was conscious not to touch his face until he could get back to his truck where he keeps hand sanitizer. I think most people are going to be like that.

People are still gathering on the islands and sandbars just like they have always done. My husband tells me the only way someone is going to change is when one of their loved ones comes down with this virus and dies. Only then will they take it more seriously. There are people in my own family who think this is no different than getting the flu. I just want to shake the shit out of them.

My youngest sister's grandson had a very high fever for days and she took him to the hospital, they said he has all of the symptoms and put him in an ambulance and sent him to a children hospital two hours away. They kept him a couple of days and sent him home telling her to keep him away from others and to quarantine for 2 weeks. They tested him and said it came back negative but he came back positive for Kawasaki disease which is what they are calling what children are getting who have the coronavirus. So I am sure this was another case of a false negative test. The other two kids in the house broke out in a rash and their stomach hurt with diarrhea. I am wondering if they have it but it is the case of some get it but not that bad.

Anyway, I hope people will learn to follow * the new normal* rules and the way we live life will change for the good of others.

This is Charlies' new art, the flag is made from painted fence posts, I like the flag but do not understand the "go bleed em" I would have put "go bless them." or "God bless them"


He made dog tags for every war we have been in, the years of it, and how many men or women have been lost. I choose this one because I lost a brother and brother-n-law in it. Yes, I do know Vietnam was not a war, I did not make them. I just took the pictures.



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