Does Looks Matter? | End of The Gentleman Era

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I was at a salon recently, I dressed up the same way I do everyday. As soon as I entered, they told me to take a seat. As I was patiently waiting and bored scroll through my phone,I lifted my head and started observing.

A man dressed to the T, sharp, suave, handsome, well built entered the salon, the receptionist got up from her seat, personally took herself to him and said " Good Afternoon Sir, We will have to check your temperature, and here is some sanitizer"

She then personally escorted him to the waiting area and was sat next to me.

Another man, entered, he was dressed like I am in a T-shirt and Jeans. He arrived in his luxury car. He too got the same treatment as the handsome man.

After observing, the two scenes, my reaction was "WOW!, how come they got such a treatment and I didn't" .Aren't, businesses supposed to treat customers equally, especially if it is a salon!?

I was then pondering on what could be the reason!? I bottom-lined it to this "Looks & Personality".

I wasn't treated well by the hairstylist as well. He was very disrespectful, when I pointed out a mistake he committed. At that moment, I wondered "Would he treat the handsome and the luxury car man in the same way".

I curious to know, what went on the receptionist's head, when I entered?. Maybe she though I don't look am not a high paying customer? or My looks or personality didn't make her get off from my seat!?

I was like "Man, I need to dress well next time!?" but then "Why do I need to dress well for a haircut!?

I will say this, I will work on my looks and presentation next time.

What do you guys think?

Here is another story. In my 1st Year of Engineering, I had a huge crush on this Girl, Through a friend she got to know about my affection for her.

After class one day, we met outside in the student square. We had a small conversation. It was a very hurtful one. Her bottomline was that I was ugly and talentless, she cant imagine going on a date with me.

Image Source- Meme Center

Here this girl, who I had admired and showed ton of respect. But cause of my looks, and her assumption's of me, I wasn't worthy of her presence.

It was a painful day, for a while I cursed god, but then I thought to myself, who the hell in the world is she!?.

Has gentleman era ended!? There is no value for respect and consideration. The girl could have, explained to me in a nice and well mannered way, but she chose not to.

For a while I blamed myself for that, when I got back to my senses. I realized she is a horrible person, and what has happened is for the best.

The age of social media, have changed the dynamics of people view each other. In order to be respected and noted, you need to look a certain way or you need to be rich!

Chivalry and Gentleman era has ended for sure. Respect and kindness are dead. Il explain, if I am respectful to the other sex, I am not even noticed. Then comes a guy who starts insulting her and pulling her leg. She is all over him. He has her eye balls.

Being a gentlemen, being respectful is now considered a sign of weakness. In millennial term a "loser".

Its all about the looks, the cars, the money.

To end on a positive note, I know for sure, there will come someone, who loves me for who I am and what I stand for. She will be my strength and motivation.

Above is something I have experienced and noticed. Its strictly my opinion and view.

I want to ask you guys? what do you think about the topic? What are your views on the this?

Looking forward to your comments.


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