My Disability ~ Daily Prompt 4 March 2024@mariannewest's

As a child, TV was my major pastime. There were times when just simply sitting really close to the screen was enough to make me so excited about the shows. Yet that blessed moment turned everything upside down. I felt pain in my eyes, and I gradually could not see clarity. This was a weird situation by itself. It turned out that TV, if watched too closely, could cause me a disability.

To begin with, I felt down and kind of scared. Why I was the one who had to go through this was beyond me. However, when I understood that I had to admit and accept my disability of all these and find the ways to deal with it. Supported by my family and medical professionals, I was taught about how I could manage the state myself.

Sooner I started wearing some special glasses that came in handy. Apart from that, I discovered that I should take screens to rest and do with my eyes something else that doesn't make them tired. Though sometimes was a struggle that I had, I never let my disability stop me from doing my best. While I got involved with different activities and ways to spend quality time without the TV, I did not completely give up on it.

Progressing as young, I came to understand that my disability was simply a piece of me. Although it wasn't an easy period, I have to say that it didn't stop or ruin my life because I was able to live it the fullest way possible. I became more resolute to deal with any barriers I met on my way. Now, I recognize that the lessons I have learned during this phase of my life represent my most valuable possession. He taught me I should always be a fighter and it was important for me to take care of myself. In addition to that, I may don't have the hours to devote to watching TV but still, I have something more at the end of the day.

Thank you 😊

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