Continúa... la historia/Marcelo...Esp-Eng


Imagen de la autora, elaborada en Canva con sus propios recursos. Septiembre, 2022

Cuando llegó al lugar donde escuchó el ruido de los monos, observó atónito como el viento mecía suavemente las hojas de aquel extraño árbol. No tenía ramas, era solo un tronco de corteza suave, algunas de sus grandes hojas caían a los lados, y un curioso manojo de dedos amarillos parecían brotar de su copa. Los monos se peleaban entre ellos por la pulpa de aquellos frutos como dedos. El niño sintió curiosidad y temor, pues su abuelo le había advertido que muchas plantas en aquella selva eran venenosas…

Marcelo llegó al sitio donde se encontraba ése árbol que tanto su abuelo le había hablado , no entendía porque su abuelo le decía que eran venenosos si los monos que la tomaban no les pasaba nada. Los observó durante varias semanas y veía como ese fruto iba cambiando de color, por fuera. Los monos se esmeraban en tomarlos y compartirlos entre todos.

Pensaba y pensaba, cuando podía visitaba el sitio donde se encontraba la planta , cómo va a dañar si los monos cada día vienen más a buscar, están vivitos.

Un día Marcelo se olvidó de la historia de su abuelo, esperó que todos se descuidaran , se fue escondido. Sin hacer nada de ruido, algo que aprenden a caminar de manera sigilosa, para que no los sientan, los animales cuando quieren cazarlos. Como pudo trepó ése árbol raro que solo los monos lo visitaban. Le costó un poco, sentía que se iba a un lado y caería, lo sentía frágil...como pudo llegó a esos frutos raros.

Se sintió contento de lograrlo, tomó varios como pudo aprovechó el tiempo, bajó siempre pendiente que no se acercara un mono... al estar en tierra, caminó hacia el río, se sentó en la orilla... comenzó a revisarlo, olerlo, le gustaba su olor, se preguntaba: ¿ Qué hay adentro de esto? Se siente esperó más y como pudo abrir uno, sintió miedo...recordaba las palabras de su abuelo...aplastó uno con sus manos y no pudo resistir llevarlo a la boca, lo saboreó y comió todo.

En su pensamiento decía si así sabe es el veneno la gente se muere feliz. Se quedó dormido a la orilla del río, cuando despertó creía que lo que veía no era cierto...comenzó a tocar sus piernas, se pellizcaba y escuchó su abuelo lo buscaba, éste respondió. Al verlo le contó la historia y el abuelo también comió uno : decidieron buscar más para compartir con toda su gente.


Separadores cortesía @mayvileros

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Image by the author, created in Canva with her own resources. September, 2022

When he reached the place where he heard the noise of the monkeys, he watched in amazement as the wind gently swayed the leaves of that strange tree. It had no branches, it was only a trunk of smooth bark, some of its large leaves fell to the sides, and a curious bunch of yellow fingers seemed to sprout from its crown. The monkeys were fighting among themselves for the pulp of those finger-like fruits. The boy was both curious and afraid, for his grandfather had warned him that many plants in that jungle were poisonous....

Marcelo arrived at the place where the tree that his grandfather had told him so much about was located, he did not understand why his grandfather told him that they were poisonous if the monkeys that ate them were fine. He watched them for several weeks and saw how the fruit was changing color on the outside. The monkeys took great care to take them and share them with everyone.

He thought and thought, when he could, he would visit the place where the plant was, how could it hurt if the monkeys came every day to look for more, they were alive.

One day Marcelo forgot about his grandfather's story, he waited for everyone to get careless, he went away hiding. Without making any noise, something they learn to walk stealthily, so that the animals do not feel them when they want to hunt them. As best he could, he climbed that rare tree that only monkeys visited. It was a little difficult, he felt that he would fall to one side, he felt fragile... as he could, he reached those rare fruits.

He was happy to make it, he took as many as he could, he took advantage of the time, he went down always watching out for monkeys... when he was on land, he walked towards the river, he sat down on the bank... he began to check it, to smell it... He began to check it, to smell it, he liked its smell, he wondered: What is inside this? It feels soft...he didn't wait any longer and as he could open one, he felt afraid...he remembered his grandfather's words...he crushed one with his hands and couldn't resist taking it to his mouth, he tasted it and ate it all.

In his thoughts he said if this is what poison tastes like, people will die happy. He fell asleep on the bank of the river, when he woke up he believed that what he saw was not true...he began to touch his legs, he pinched himself and heard his name...his grandfather was looking for him, he answered. When he saw him, he told him the story and his grandfather also ate one: they decided to look for more to share with all his people.


Separators Cortesía @mayvileros
Traductor DeepL

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