A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words [Eng/Esp]


In a farm with a lot of potential in what was produced, fruit trees, vegetables, animals...it was possible to see the types of animals that grew there and gave more financial value to the owners of the farm.

The owners of the farm had three sons who helped a lot in the work of the farm, the middle son was very dedicated to the animals and his father was surprised at how he took care of them and when he called them to feed them, to keep them to protect them at night, just one call and they looked for their place in the farm.

The father would always talk about it with his wife, to which she would reply: yes, I have seen him...he likes animals very much. I have also noticed that way of taking care of them.

This boy, the second of the three brothers had his gift of communicating with them, understanding them and taking care of them, that's why what his parents observed was happening. To this, he never said that he talked to them, he only laughed when they talked about it and the only thing he answered was: I love the animals of this farm.

One day, when the boy was on his way to the place where the sheep were, he saw that one of them was lying in the bush and could not stand up, he observed it very well and saw how each one of the sheep was moving towards this place, they were standing next to it to communicate and support it. The boy, observing this, stops and thinks what a way to help each other, the friends of the farms around us should behave a little like them.

Well, the sheep lying in the bush was looking at him with sad eyes, transmitting his discomfort, in that look the boy understood that he was in a very bad way and needed not only the closeness of his own but also more specialized attention, he went in search of his father, a veterinarian came, he had a plague that had to be isolated and no one could be near him to avoid contagion.

For this reason, a place was found to take care of him, the boy's father was in charge of giving him his medicines. Meanwhile, the boy listened to the questions of his sheep when he said: why can't we see him? he needs us...the boy answered that they could be at a distance because they had to be protected from being infected. The flock of sheep were always looking for a way to feel close to the sick sheep.

One morning, the boy's father allowed him to enter the site, where the boy was able to talk to her, she told him that she was already feeling a little better, that she was going to make her effort to sunbathe, that her family of sheep felt very close to them, that she would soon pass.
Hearing this, the boy says to his father: it is not necessary to sacrifice her to save the others, she will get well, she wants to sunbathe. The father helps him to take her to a place where the sun shines, from there he can see his family of sheep and with gentle movements of his head he tells them that she is well and that they will soon be together again.

The boy finally understood his gift, he was more willing to listen to the animals on the farm helping his father with the issue of when to take them out in times of crisis...he felt so fortunate that all the animals felt very comfortable with the boy who takes care of them every day, with the illusion that they will always be well.

He became an excellent veterinarian, very much visited by everyone, because of how well he understood the animals, only he and his parents understood him.

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En una granja con mucho potencial en lo que se producìa, frutales, vegetales, animales...se dejaba ver los tipos de animales que allì crecìan y le daban màs valor en lo financiero a los dueños de esta.

Los dueños de la finca tenìan tres hijos que mucho ayudaban en las labores de la misma, el hijo del medio era muy dedicado con los animales y su padre se sorprendìa de còmo los atendìa y cuando caso le hacìan cuando este los llamaba para alimentarlos, guardardos para protegerlos en la nos noches, solo un llamado y estos buscaban su lugar en la finca.

Siempre el padre lo conversaba con su esposa, a esto le respondìa: si, lo he visto...le gustan mucho los animales. Tambièn he notado esa forma de atenderlos.
Este chico, el segundo de los tres hermanos tenìa su don de comunicarse con ellos, entenderlos y cuidarlos, por ello sucedìa lo que observaban sus padres. A esto, èl nunca decìa que hablaba con ellos, solo se reìa cuando hablaban del tema y lo ùnico que respondìa era: quiero mucho a los animales de esta finca.

Un dìa, cuando el chico se dirigìa al lugar de las ovejas, mira que una de ellas tirada en el matorral no podìa pararse, lo observa muy bien y mira como cada una de las ovejas se dirigen hacia este sitio, se colocan al lado de ella para comunicarse y prestar su apoyo. El chico al observar esto se detiene, piensa que manera de ayudarse, los amigos de las fincas que nos rodean deberìan comportarse un poco como ellos.

Pues, la oveja tirada en el matorral lo veìa con ojos tristes, transmitiendole su malestar, en esa mirada el chico entiende que està muy mal y necesita ademàs de la cercanìa de los suyos atenciòn màs especializada, saliò en busca de su padre, vino un veterinario, presentaba una peste que debìan aislarlo y nadie podìa estar cerca para evitar contagio.

Para esto se buscò un espacio para atenderlo y cuidarlo, el padre del chico es quien se encargarìa de dar sus medicinas. Mientras, el chico escuchaba las preguntas de sus ovejas cuando le decìa: ¿por què no le podemos ver? el nos necesita...el chico les respondìa que podìan estar a distancia porque habìa que protegerlas de ser contagiadas. El rebaño de ovejas siempre buscaban la forma de sentirse cerca de la oveja enferma.

Una mañana, el padre del chico le permitiò entrar al sitio, donde el chico pudo hablar con ella, esta le dijo que ya se sentìa un poco mejor, que va a hacer su ezfuerzo de tomar el sol, que su familia de ovejas las siente muy cerca, que pronto va a pasar.

El chico al escuchar esto le dice a su padre: no es necesario sacrificarla para salvar a las otras, ella se pondrà bien , quiere tomar sol. El padre le ayuda a llevarla a un sitio que le da el sol, desde allì puede ver a su familia de ovejas y con suaves movimientos de su cabeza les avisa que està bien y pronto vuelven a juntarse.

Al fin entendiò el chico su don, fue màs presto a escuchar a los animales de la granja ayudando a su padre con el tema de cuando sacarlos en momentos de crisis...se sintiò tan afortunado que todos los animales se sientieron muy a gusto con el chico que los atiende todos los dìas, con la ilusiòn que siempre van a estar bien.

Se convirtiò en un excelente veterinario, muy visitado por todos, por lo bien que se entendìa con los animales, solo èl y sus padres lo entendìan.

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