A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

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Warm greetings #Freewriters community.

The art of music is inspiring for all of us who like it; of different styles, rhythms, eras. Each style according to its time that made furor at that time. I remember for many of those times as is the case of my father that his favorite music was the Venezuelan singer Mario Suarez and others of that time in the same style.

So it happens to us and continues to happen to each generation that is rising. In my case the music of wonder for me is the music of the 80's, a time remembered by many when in my country Venezuela there was a movement of musicians with wonderful voices that today is still liked, I have even seen in social networks as recreate parties where old people go out dancing and enjoying that style of music ... it is very good to look at that.

In the case of my thirty year old son, his style has to do with the rhythm and style of regueton, as he says: regueton when it started with Don Omar; so we go each generation with tastes, rhythms and styles that are emerging according to each generation.

To use musical instruments is wonderful to see people that without studies of orchestras or schools do it in such a natural way, as they say: they have a natural gift for music.

Today, many parents enroll their children in symphony schools to learn music and play a musical instrument. The violin is one of the most popular among many young people who play it outside of their orchestras and even for a living.

There are others who have worked so hard and their taste for music is so great, it is part of them, they are favored with scholarships to study outside the country to perfect themselves in the instrument they play. It is wonderful to see so many musicians succeeding in the world, who as children were initiated and really came with that gift, perhaps it was easier. Others may have become interested in an instrument over time and play it after practice and more practice.

Music is a true art, the instrument that is played with love, care, dedication is sublime, the results are sublime, it attracts, it also evokes moments of the life of each person when those strings sound giving life to melodies of previous years that bring back memories and important moments.

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Translator DeepL en su versiòn libre

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