5 Min Freewrite: A Few Good Men


This topic brings to my memory what my Grandma experienced the first time she experienced a Midnight robbery.

It was Tuesday Midnight, Grandma was staying alone in his husband's abode after the death of Grandpa two years earlier.

She heard a knock on the door she thought it was from the neighborhood after several knocks she decided to check if it was her door, peeping through the door hole she discover that five hefty men are at her doorstep, she got confused and afraid, she greeted them in her native language and told them to come the following morning if they want to buy fruit. "I don't sell fruit at midnight. '' She screamed at them and went back inside. Mama thought they were petty thieves. A few moments later they broke the door. Grandma wanted to shout for help but she couldn't after seeing the weapon in their possession. They fetched all the valuables at home and instructed Grandma to call them Good men. In their tone, "In case you're questioned tomorrow morning by your neighbors, tell them you are visited by the Good men''

Luckily for Grandma, the Few Good Men didn't touch her.

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