The longest 5 minutes of this day...

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The longest 5 minutes of this day...

He pointed to the table and I, smiling and nodding my head with some sadness, sat down to wait for him there, sitting, really uncomfortable, I waited for that thin man to get rid of his work to share a coffee with this strange woman.

He sat down with relaxed movements, like someone taking off a weight after having worked so hard, at that moment I cleared my throat and asked him:

A lot of work today? -I asked for-

Yes, but it's not really a job, whenever I can I help my father in this cafe.

Interesting - I replied-

Here I help and from time to time I rescue women with long black hair, I rescue them from loneliness -the man with universe eyes smiled-

I felt a knot in my stomach, how is it possible that in these moments of my life a veil falls from my eyes and allows me to see another person with the simplicity that experience and years give me...

Do you want coffee or something else?

His question clearly referred to what I wanted to drink, only at that moment I started to want something more than a coffee or I really didn't know what I wanted?

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