
The first time I heard the above statement that I chose as my Title for this article was in the year 1989 when the Flying Eagles of Nigeria defeated the Russian Team during the under 20 World Cup tagged "Saudi 89". If you had watched that crucial encounter between the two teams, you may remember how you felt before, during, and after the match.

I was in my late teens then and I just graduated from Secondary School. I have this fanaticism taking over me whenever any Nigeria Team was playing and that day was not different. Like every other patriotic Nigerian, I wanted the Flying Eagles of Nigeria to win. As I am going to recall certain moments of that memorable encounter, I want to say that my objectives of writing this article is to relate the impacts the outcome the match had on me and the valuable lessons I learnt.

We were all in high spirit when the match began and were convinced that Nigeria will carry the day but, before we know it, the Russians scored their first goal and later the second goal. Many of us remained unsettled with the two goals scored because we hoped and were convinced that the Nigerian team will come back into the game. Shortly, the Russians made it three goals and I personally began to loose hope in the Flying Eagles' ability to redeem themselves . By the end of the first 45 minutes of the match, the Russians seem to be coasting to victory as the score line stood at 4 - 0 against Nigeria.

To say I was sad and disheartened is to say the least. I was so dispirited and downhearted that I decided not to watch the second half of the match when it resumed. About 15 minutes into the second half, we heard people shout 'go--o--a--a--l!' and one of my friend who never lost hope like I did ran to where we were telling stories and heartily announced that Nigeria has scored one goal. With a wave of hand, I dismissed him.

I remember saying that they should add the one goal to Russia to make it five. Before one could say Jack Robinson, we heard another electrifying shout of goal and it was Russia 4 and Nigeria 2. When the second goal was scored, the Radio Commentator that evening said with a convincing note on his voice, "it is not over until it is over". By the end of the second 45 minutes, Nigeria levelled scores and it was Nigeria 4, and Russia 4. Eventually, Nigeria won that encounter through a penalty shootout.

I can recall some few words from the Radio commentator immediately the fourth goal was scored. He said, "it has never happened in the history of world football, that a country was given four goals to nothing and within the 29 minutes of the second half, the equalized". He went on, "today, Nigeria have done it. This is the day the Lord has made for all Nigerians, let us be glad and rejoice in it". He continue to remind all Nigerians that "it is not over until it is over".

The victory by the Flying Eagles was christened "The Dammam Miracle" for the game was played in the Saudi Arabian city of Dammam. Well, the rest of what happened that day are in the history books.

Had the boys given up when they were down by four goals, they may not have scored a single goal not to talk of winning the match and eventually playing in the final of that competition. The showed courage, resilience, and determination. They refused to be looking at the 4-0 on the score board rather, they looked beyond it and perhaps saw the Russians empty goal post and they began to bang in the goals. They have confident that they can do whatever they can before the match end and surely, they did. What a fine spirit!.

In one of my unrecorded songs, a few line in the lyrics says; "Some people fail in life before they meet failure. Some become defeated before the battle". Does this in any where relate with how you sometimes feel when confronted with life challenges. Since problem is part of human life, how can you always say, "It Is Not Over Until It Is Over?" when you are faced with challenging situation.

  1. Recognize and accept that you have problem. It means you do not pretend that all is well when there are problems in your life or family. It also means that you do not downplay or overlook the problem completely'

  2. Do not keep on looking at your problems. The more you look at those problems, the lesser you see solutions.

  3. Look beyond the problems and look for solution. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. See the silver lining on that thick and dark cloud. If you sit down and be mourn yourself because of you problems, you may not think of solving it. It may result to self pity, despondency, and self-defeat.

  4. Accept that your problem is surmountable. It may not be as huge as you may think after all. Avoid turning your little anthill into a huge and high mountain. Believe that every sickness has a cure or otherwise can be managed.

  5. Maintain a positive attitude. It will enable you understand that others have their challenges too. You may also learn how to handle that problem by imitating those who have defeated theirs.

  6. If you are one of those who reads the Bible or other religious books. Try your best to put into work lessons from such books. Prove your faith by putting it into work when problem seem to overwhelm you. At the end you will come out stronger.

  7. If you are on the Hive Platform, do not ignore articles such as this. Spent time to read them carefully and glean whatever lesson that there is that can help you in time of problem.

The point is that we all have problems in our personal lives and in our families regardless of where we live, our position and possession, and what we do. Either we defeat our problems or our problems will defeat us. Determine never to give up, look and find solution to your problem. If your problem seem not to have any solution now, learn to cope with it.


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