5 Things I Can’t Live Without

This is my own styles and my 5 essentials, could differ with you and maybe more interesting aspect of you that is still a secret..

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Chocolates 😎

I don’t have much of a sweet but I do have a thing for dark chocolates, I just love having after dinner or sipping tea, watching a Netflix show or something I just have one or two squares.. so for me I go for chocolates and maybe a combination with coffee sometimes. It hits the spot and I know some lovers here will admit how lovely the feeling is..

My Glasses

So I got a glass recently cause I’ve struggled a bit with my eye sight, so anything that will want me touching my eyes all the time or getting it stressed out I do not want that.. but I also have some cool shaped glasses that I wear on occasions. I have a collection of them, I got the dark shade and the lighter ones that look sick too.

White Sneakers;

When it comes to fashion I’m not a difficult guy, I do know what I like.. I love snickers and I love boots. They are completely versatile and you can wear them with like anything.. I like to literally buy a lot when I see what I want and might stay within budget.. I think personally I vibe with them any kind of white snickers and it’s also an essential for me all the time.

Teas “Green”

This one is what I love to talk about cuz it’s a matter of health, so I got this tea just a month ago that I love to make daily.. it’s the green tea which and a plus on it being so easy to make. It has lots of flavors and it’s more a less a supplement. When I tried taking this I feel better with my energy levels and recovery too in addition to this my focus has improved as well.. it’s quick and easy to make, it tastes not too sweet then has a smooth feeling. It also helps with my digestion and much more helpful in providing me lots of energy..


And lastly my dear earbuds, music is my thing and always I like to listen to something of any genre. Keeps me going. Having that kind of inspiration takes me far away from what could be a burden to me.. so I have written the few things that I use all the time and can’t live without.. It does the trick for me

Thank you for reading

KingGozie, a crypto friendly enthusiast and always willing to learn new things and inspire to be a better writer.. HAPPY EASTER

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