Bicycle Accident (Zapfic)

There was a zapfic released on Monday, which asks anyone who feels like participating in it to write a story in 240 characters, and in order to prove this we are also asked to screenshot the story in a word-counting app.

Here's The Prompt, released by in the Freewriters community.


Jamie was riding his bike. The day was perfect; Bright, warm, and the smell of cut grass was in the air. His bikes wheel got jammed, and he flew over his handlebars onto the ground.

Inspecting it after, he found a stray pole in his spokes.

When I saw the prompt "Pole" I had no idea what to write about, but I was thinking about it and remembered something simular happening to me when I was a kid, so decided to write this one.

I'm sure we've all had accidents like this when out on bicycles when we were younger. I remember another time riding a friends bike going down a hill, I pulled what I thought was the back break but it was the front one and the whole bike somersaulted haha

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