Uprising In Gonjolard (Part 7) | Freewrite: 3/22/24 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Source: @wakeupkitty for contest purposes...

Lauryn reached the castle in time to see her beloved Alphonse held upright on the scaffold. Thankful that it was her brother, Simon, who guarded him as he was assigned by the SOB to protect Alphonse.

She reasoned an execution would be imminent. That form of public justice was meant to elicit fear into others in case they were motivated to join the SOB's and their accomplices.

Amidst the chaos, the prisoners, including Alphonse, were shackled and marched down the scaffold, then placed in the prison wagon headed toward the castle. All in attendance knew their fate as the dungeons awaited. The public display was merely a warning of the consequences as one guard gleefully swung the rope and lowered the blade down slowly on the guillotine.

Lauryn couldn't resist covering her face before tracing the outline of the castle wall to the third floor window. She also knew the prince couldn't resist gloating over his victory that day. Her identity remained hidden.

Meanwhile, Prince Gawdawfel eyed the crowd below. Sick with vengeance, he basks in his glory, confident of his successful attempt to round up the group known as the Sons of Bodar (the "SOBs"). All had gone according to his plans. But was his overconfidence and rush to celebrate victory over the insurrectionists too soon?

However, Lauryn also had a plan. And all depended on whether she could rescue Alphonse from the fate that awaited him at the castle in Prince Gawdawfel's dungeon.

Now, Part 7


Source: @wakeupkitty for contest purposes...

Prince Gawdawfel retreated from the hidden enclave on his third floor balcony as the crowd disbanded in the shadows of the glistening evening sun as it hovered over the kingdom.

He jerked until the velvety draperies closed, then rushed to the vanity.

His pulse raced in his eagerness to discover the outcome of his earlier display of power over the Sons of Bodar (or SOBs), rebellious villagers bent on destroying the kingdom and the Crown at all costs.

Easing onto the vanity chair, a calm descended as a victorious wide, wicked smile formed. He unlatched a double door to the vanity and spread it wide. The key, he returned to its hidden spot behind the table legs. He glanced up quickly in time to witness a rumbling sound rush forward.

Instantly a portal, framed in exquisite ornamental detail with his facial feature carved into the overhead board, materialized. He sat admiring himself for several moments staring at his reflection into the Mirror of Secrets.

Prince Gawdawfel of House Tallonz. There's more than meets the eye in that one. Almost six feet in height, many couldn't deny his handsome features resembling his mother. Stands of brownish hue almost reflecting black befalling the lineage of the royal house flowed from his overly large head. His extended nose and wide mouth with piercing emerald eyes and thick brows his father endowed in him.

But it was his Queen Mother's features he desired to cover, doing so by instructing his personal ladies in attendance to mask his true coloring. Tireless efforts were put forth to cover his ebony hair.

His desperate attempts to suppress his mother's heritage failed. The long line of queens originating from House Tallonz coursed through his veins.

At court, whispers of his rude and deceptive personality abound. Smiling while gazing deeply into one's eyes, a charm engulfs. Straightaway, one's guard melts, hidden anger dissolves, and issues resolved as unimportant.

Elder court members whisper further that his looks are deceitful; they give rise to suspicion as not reflecting his true age. Twenty years had passed. If true, then one need only rely on his eyes. They betray him as does his swaying hands.

That he is evil, kingdom dwellers agree from the dungeons of Gonjolard to the farthest village to the west before falling into the sea. That he is disloyal to the Crown, many familiar with the inner workings of the castle, acknowledge. Fear his manipulations is a desperate attempt to usurp the king flourishes each year the king ages.

An only son, his father, King Hartfelt Tallonz, weak in mind and spirit, refused to acknowledge that which was foretold by the Mirror of Secrets. No endearing qualities exist or other similar traits as his father possessed. The prince's sadistic and apathetic nature rumored as insane often revealed itself when least expected.

Gawdawfel's eyes teared; not from dismay but from pomposity. Instantly, he noticed the mirror's shape cloudy with confusion.


Izohra's image waffled before appearing in the depth of the pane, the sorcerer's physical form clouded as she approached the edge of the mirror. Immediately upon seeing Prince Gawdawfel, her furrowed brow softened. Her outline formed clear.

What Gawdawfel did not see was that behind Izohra, shielded from the truth of the Mirror of Secrets, his mother, the former queen, watched carefully in silence as fiery, heavy stones filled her heart. Standing before her was not the child she recognized as bringing forth into the House of Tallonz.

Although summoned, for several weeks, Izohra waited for him to come. Her master had entrusted a mission she must follow to fruition. She stared as Gawdawfel's inner mirror reflection shifted to emulate his true self. The dark-haired man sat, his back razor stiff awaiting this latest meeting. A waste of his time, he believed if she were not going to foretell his reign over the kingdom.

Izohra's voice was firm as she started.

I see you are still jubuliant from your recent victories. But beware prince. You have sowed your seed wide. I sense the sprout has taken root, but not in your own likeness. Where you are weak, it will be mighty. Where you are vain, it will crush your arrogance. I have warned you these many years. But your refusal to change will not be upon my head nor your father. Your recklessness you will face soon, for beyond these walls your power is indefensible.

Gawdawfel froze. His eyes grew large as he shook his head violently, widening with each thought of the implications of Izohra's words.

But those words fell short for they couldn't penetrate his hubris.

"Heed me prince and claim this savior if your wish is to survive this day forward." Izohra's powerful hands adorned with long nails brought forth the short talisman that resembled a weapon and presented it to the prince. "Do not leave this room without it. You'll know it's purpose when the time comes."

Prince Gawdawfel, with hands on his hips, scowled into the Mirror of Secrets. He spat on the pane and cursed Izohra.

"Too many years old woman you have done nothing but hold me back from glory. Unleash me now and rid yourself of those prophesies that have now come to pass. I know my destiny. I will be king. I will rule the kingdom. I will rule over every subject near and far. For I am all powerful."

From behind the enchantress, the queen watched with sadness, her eyes wet with tears of regret and her heart sorrowful, knowing that her only son would not heed her warning. Sorrowful also that she departed from him too early to instill qualities befitting a future king worthy of the House of Tallonz.

The prince already owned several swords, both long and short. He gazed hard at the small weapon. Unimpressive, he felt as the knife appeared ordinary, not adorned with jewels and crested in symbolic emblems. He removed the weapon slowly from Izohra's hand. Fire rose up in the reflection of its shiny blade as though she had imbued power to the new master.

He pushed back the velvet clad chair and stood staring down at the vanity. Izohra's image disappeared from view. These past years, she had not failed to protect him. He placed the talisman on his elegant bed.

The beautiful and stately queen stood behind Izohra, her hands gripping her chest. She glanced toward the bed where the talisman she knew would remain. All she could do to turn him from the path he had chosen had failed. Her guidance while alive over his father and him were met with disdain as she attempted to bring the kingdom to peace.

The love for her son was draining quickly. The kingdom would soon follow.

The queen watched with dread as Gawdawfel eyed gleefully the opulence in the room. She felt his unhealthy desire to covet the throne and the kingdom before they were rightfully passed to him. But his cruelty and severe punishment to their subjects and one day beyond the shores to the west, would surely bring down the House of Tallonz.

One hand lay over the other, keeping close her signet ring. She didn't regret her actions years ago that would ensure the Crown's just and deserving reign.

The words came through faint as she heard him murmur, "soon, all will bow down at my feet begging for mercy and know that I alone allow them to live. What more could a king desire?"

She continued to trace his movements as he turned back toward the mirror and let escape a wicked smile.

The former Queen backed away from Izohra. All she could do was now finished. She lowered her head and retreated deep inside the Mirror of Secrets, tears falling down her cheeks as she heard a loud knock on her son's door.

Izorah, then disappeared from the Mirror of Secrets. Her services for the Crown were no longer required.

The knock at Prince Gawdawfel's door was swift. He allowed entrance to his trusted manservant, Arnaldos.

"Your king and the court await, sire. The prisoners will be brought before you, ready for your swift and undeserving just judgment." In the many years during Arnaldo's service to the prince, his prompting was well rehearsed. His life and this leisure depended upon it.

The prince stood waiting patiently as he was decorated for the important occasion of delivering as he fomented, justice to the rebels.

Meanwhile, Alphonse paced while waiting with trepidation to be presented before the Crown for sentencing. That he had already been judged and convicted wrongfully for his alleged part in the rebellion was of no consequence.

[to be continued.]


Welcome back to my freewrite prompt story for this week. The photo that is the subject of the story spoke to me about a person who is of a royal lineage.

Describe what you see.
A male in a prominent position of power or part of a royal family sits gazing in a mirror. A hand with long fingernails holds a dagger. His reflection reveals that he's excited or just admiring himself. Elegant drapery rests behind a vanity filled with several items that could be used in summoning spirits.

Describe what you feel.
With a lighted candle in his hand, the man could possibly be examining closely his features or altered appearance. I feel he is proud of himself for various reasons. Perhaps he is summoning a sorcerer before he leaves for battle.

Write a story or poem about what you think is going on. I leave with you my story for:

Original PIC1000 Challenge
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 3/22/24


PIC1000 Challenge for thumbnail image
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 4/5/24

Image used with permission of contest owner


For your convenience if you'd like to return to the beginning of the "Uprising In Gonjolard" saga, I set out below Chapters 1 - 6:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


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