A picture is worth a thousand words



Describe what you see:

I see sellers in the market, moving from one point to another and selling their goods to their prospective customers.

Describe what you feel:

What I feel is the rain disturbing their marketing activities and not allowing the marketers to have a free move from one angle to angle, the rain disturb them and they do not like it, because some one of them are covering their head with clothes.

Write a story or poem about what:

It was on a Saturday morning, we had no food stuffs left in the kitchen, although I was somehow tired, I had to visit the market and get all the food items we needed since I was about to travel in few days time, I know grandma is not all that strong so she would not be able to visit the market due to her health condition so I had to keep everything I know she might need ready in the house.

After buying everything I needed, the rains started splashing, I was out with not much clothes on me, I had to take a cover for the rains to stop before I start going home, there I remember I do not buy carrot and groundnut which happens to be my Grandma's favorites, i quickly get closed to the seller and buy more carrots and groundnut for my grandma, asked the seller to wrapped it special on a separate nylons waterproof.

It was not long again the rain had to stop and I went home, I aksed grandma that i would be the one to prepare food in the kitchen tonight, she gave me go ahead and I brought out the gift I bought for her in the market, groundnut and carrots, she was happy and she smiled and bless me.

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