Finally! A Taste of Freedom


The day is just about to give way to the night.

The last rays of the sun paint the sky with a thrilling reddish hue.

There are several inviting trees far off.

But I want to enjoy the moment of being alone in this wonderful park.

Sitting on the bench and letting my troubles pass me by.

But Alas! I’m not alone.

I look off into the distance,

And I see the silhouette of a man,
not running to catch the evening bus,

But doing the most unexpected of things.

He carries a handful of snow and showers himself with it.

I look in wonder as he does it again.

One time. Two times. Repeatedly.

I hear a giggle of delight emanates from him.

And I think to myself what his story must be.

For what would make a man do this? Except for finally a taste of freedom.

I look at him and I see a man who has let go of his inhibitions.

A man who has made a rash decision.

A man who looks like he would bear the consequences of his impulsive actions later.

But for now, doesn’t seem to mind.

Basking in the euphoria of his newfound freedom.

Ecstatic at the thought of new beginnings.

Rapturous at the dream of better days ahead.

I find myself entranced, awed by his contagious happiness.

I pick up the one item I have left in the world and run gracelessly to join him.

Finally! A taste of Freedom.

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