Vaga-mundo # 8 / World-Wide # 8

Hay caminos construidos por máquinas, otro por los pasos dados por muchos de nosotros, sin embargo creo que los caminos más importantes aún están por definirse.



Muchas veces caminamos errantes, como es mi caso, sin ningún destino particular, y eso no necesariamente es andar perdido, por que si es verdad que no tengo un destina predeterminado se que es lo que quiero, y en mi caso es conocer el mundo, caminar sin fronteras, agrandar mi conocimiento verdadero del mundo, que no necesariamente es a través de libros, universidades o escuelas, el conocimiento se expresa de tantas formas que no debes obligatoriamente saber leer para poder adquirirlo.

He conseguido en mi transitar con mucha gente sabia, y no tienen académicamente ni un título básico, pero lo profundo de su sabiduría viene de la vida, de su experiencia. Y eso me ha llenado mas que conversaciones con grandes eruditos en áreas específicas… Respeto a los estudiados, claro, han invertido horas de su vida en formación y eso es admirable, sin duda.

Pero me quedo con la vida y los caminos que estoy por descubrir, por abrir…

Este es un corto ejercicio literario realizado a partir de la imagen principal.


There are paths built by machines, another by the steps taken by many of us, however I believe that the most important paths are yet to be defined.



Many times we walk errant, as it is my case, without any particular destination, and that is not necessarily to walk lost, because if it is true that I do not have a predetermined destiny I know what I want, and in my case it is to know the world, to walk without borders, to enlarge my true knowledge of the world, which is not necessarily through books, universities or schools, knowledge is expressed in so many ways that you do not necessarily have to know how to read in order to acquire it.

I have managed in my journey with many wise people, and they do not have even a basic academic degree, but the depth of their wisdom comes from life, from their experience. And that has filled me more than conversations with great scholars in specific areas... I respect those who have studied, of course, they have invested hours of their lives in training and that is admirable, without a doubt.

But I am left with life and the paths I am about to discover, to open...

Translated with (free version)

This is a short literary exercise based on the main image.


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