Worries? It Does No Good!

This post is in response to the question posed by @ericvancewalton

Check it out here

The question is: What Do You Worry About?


The truth is that I don't worry much about things and a few of my friends have often wondered if I fell from Mars, but that's the whole truth. Of course I won't say I don't worry at all but I am one very rare specie of (Wo-) Man, who doesn't let things bother me too much.

"Que Sera Sera (whatever would be, would be), is one attitude I have adopted for a very long time because of my Dad's influence on me. He is one jolly good fellow, who believes that worries often feed on the attention given it, the more you worry about them, the more attention they get, until they become larger than life, but when you ignore them, they simply vanish into thin air.
And truly, the cause of any worry do disappear over time, but worrying wouldn't help the situation rather it could negatively impact one's health. High blood pressure and hypertension are just a few illnesses which are the consequences of overdoing it.

I know of a lot of people who make a living out of worrying, one case that easily comes to mind, is that of Mrs X, who was left with four teenagers when her husband suddenly passed away. She was inconsolable and became very sick worrying about how she would be able to cater for them alone. She died from heart failure, a hypertension related illness, leaving them all alone. The first son who was seventeen at that time went to serve as a gardener. Luck shone on him due to his diligence at work and intelligence. He was favoured by his Master who sent him abroad for further studies.
He became the saviour and later returned for his other siblings. Today, they are doing so well but the mother who thought there was no hope anymore, died worrying, and could never see that her worrying was so so useless.

Worrying doesn't change a thing.

I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.

Yes I do relate to this statement because time and energy is wasted worrying about negative things we thought would happen but never did. And even when they happen, our anxiety never helped in any way to make it less difficult, so we loose either ways.

I believe that what will be, will be, my thought processes notwithstanding and that's the reason I don't let things bug me down, I rather have faith that things will work themselves out, somehow.

It is not work that kills us, it is worry!

The picture is mine.

Thank you @ericvancewalton.

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