Una imagen vale más que mil palabras // A picture is wort a thousand words[ESP/ENG]


Que veo

Desde la parte de atrás, veo a un triciclo, manejado por un niño que solo se ven sus piernas y los pies con sus botas, montadas en los pedales. Sus botas para mí son ortopédicas para corregir alguna deformación de los pies, se ve un triciclo bastante usado, las ruedas ya se ven bastante desgastadas.

Que siento

Mucha alegría sentí a ver el triciclo, porque me recordó mi infancia y el triciclo de nosotras era para las tres pequeñas de la casa.

Mi historia

Estaba sentado en el jardín de casa, jugando y vi pasar por el frente en la parte del parque, a un niño manejando su triciclo, pero lo veía cansado. Yo le conté que pasó tres veces por el frente de casa.
Ya se veía más cansado. A la cuarta vuelta que debía pasar, sentí que se estaba tardando más que las vueltas anteriores. Lo esperé un ratito y no pasaba. Me pare de donde yo estaba jugando con mis carros y fui donde mami y le conté que había un niño paseando en su triciclo y que ya había pasado 3 veces, lo espere para la cuarta y no a paso. Le dije, porque no vamos a ver si es que le paso algo. Mami me dijo que estaba muy ocupado y que seguramente sus padres lo vinieron a buscar y se lo llevaron ya.
No creo mami, vamos, tengo una corazonada que le pudo haber pasado algo. Porque no me puedes acompañar, entonces voy solo.
Está bien, déjame secarme las manos y me quitó el delantal. No te tardes y no dejes tu teléfono mami.
Salimos caminando, pero mi corazón me palpitaba más fuerte, y comencé a correr haciendo el recorrido que estaba haciendo el niño, mamá detrás de mí. Cuando a lo lejos lo vi en el piso y el triciclo volteado. Le grité a mami. Llama, llama.
Mami corría más rápido mientras iba llamando 911, explico la emergencia.
No lo quisimos mover porque estaba inconsciente. Busque por los alrededores a ver si había un familiar del chico y no había nadie.

Se lo llevaron, yo le dije a mami, vamos a quedarnos un rato aquí mami, porque su mamá al ver que no llegue, va a tener que venir a buscarlo. Porque me supongo que ella lo mandaría al parque un rato, debe vivir cerca. Pasada la media hora o un poco más vimos a una señora que venía caminando un poco apurada y nosotros nos paramos del banco donde estábamos sentados con el triciclo. Yo no la deje hablar, enseguida le pregunté, usted es la mamá del niño de este triciclo. Dijo que si con mucha angustia, que paso. Le contamos rápidamente y se fue corriendo. No se llevó el triciclo,

Pasaron los días, yo tenía el triciclo en casa a ver cuando lo pasarían buscando.
A la semana siguiente, vi al chico que venía caminando y se paró en frente de mi casa
Yo dije.
— Hola
— Hola

Me dijo el chico
Llame a mami. Cuando salió mamá

Yo abrí la puerta para darle su triciclo.

La señora comenzó hablar. Quiero darle las gracias a ti y a usted señora por haber conseguido a mi hijo y llamar al 911. Se le bajó la glicemia y por eso callo. Gracias a Dios ya está bien. Contó la madre.

Por eso vinimos, dicho el chico. Yo sabía que habías sido tú que me conseguiste, porque cada vez que yo pasaba levantabas la cabeza para verme.
Y se fueron tranquilos los dos.
Después que caminaron un poco, yo lo le dije.

¡Epa! Y voltearon los dos.

No vuelvas a salir solo.

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What I see

From the back, I see a tricycle, driven by a boy whose only visible parts are his legs and feet with his boots, mounted on the pedals. His boots for me are orthopedic to correct some deformity of the feet, that sees a tricycle quite used, the wheels already look quite worn.

What I feel

I felt a lot of joy when I saw the tricycle, because it reminded me of my childhood and our tricycle was for the three little girls in the house.

My story

I was sitting in the garden at home, playing and I saw a boy riding his tricycle in the front part of the park, but he looked tired. I told him that he passed by the front of the house three times.
He looked more tired. On the fourth lap he was supposed to pass, I felt he was taking longer than the previous laps. I waited for a while and he didn't pass. I stopped from where I was playing with my cars and went to mommy and told her that there was a boy riding his tricycle and that he had already passed 3 times, I waited for him for the fourth time and he didn't pass. I told her, why don't we go see if something happened to him. Mommy told me that he was very busy and that surely his parents came to pick him up and took him away.
I don't think so mommy, come on, I have a hunch that something might have happened to him. Why can't you come with me, so I'm going alone.
All right, let me dry my hands and take off my apron. Don't be late and don't leave your phone mommy.
We left walking, but my heart was pounding harder, and I started to run doing the route the boy was doing, mommy behind me. When in the distance I saw him on the ground and the tricycle overturned. I shouted to mommy. Call, call.
Mommy ran faster as she was calling 911, explaining the emergency.
We didn't want to move him because he was unconscious. I looked around to see if there was a relative of the boy and there was no one.

They took him away, I told mommy, let's stay here for a while mommy, because when his mother sees that he is not here, she will have to come and look for him. Because I guess she would send him to the park for a while, she must live nearby. After half an hour or a little more we saw a lady who was walking a little bit in a hurry and we stood up from the bench where we were sitting with the tricycle. I didn't let her speak, I immediately asked her, are you the mother of the child on this tricycle? She said yes with a lot of anguish, what happened. We told her quickly and she ran away. She did not take the tricycle with her,

Days went by, I had the tricycle at home to see when they would come looking for it.
The following week, I saw the boy coming walking and he stopped in front of my house.
I said.
— I said, "Hello
— Hello," said the boy.

The boy said to me
I called mommy. When mommy came out

I opened the door to give her her tricycle.

The lady started talking. I want to thank you and you ma'am for getting my son and calling 911. His glycemia dropped and that's why he fell. Thank God he is fine now. said the mother.

That's why we came, said the boy. I knew it was you who got me, because every time I passed by you raised your head to see me.
And they both left quietly.
After they walked a little way, I told him.

Hey! And they both turned around.

Don't go out alone again.


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