Day 1557. Freewrite Prompt : credit card



Curiosity Killed the ...

Carla watched (she hoped her mouth wasn’t actually hanging open) as the woman behind the perfume counter attempted to charge one card after another for the diminutive woman out front’s exorbitant purchases.

How could one person own (or have) that many cards (all strung out, too) in her possession?

Carla’s fascination compounded exponentially, however, when the woman produced a wad of cash, which she’d fished from the mysterious depths of her voluminous, shoulder bag. The stack was decorated with a shiny gold clip and the woman peeled off a few notes to settle her bill.

Wow, Carla thought, imagine having that much money on you and trying to pay with a dud card. People were very strange, weren’t they? Carla shook her head in amazement, paid for her own meager purchase and walked out of the store to call an Uber.

While she waited, she spied the “Cash Wad Woman”, a little way up the street, talking in an urgent, agitated manner on her phone. Carla wished she could overhear.

Curiosity was one of her weak points.

Carla sidled up, hoping.

The woman turned; her back inches from Carla’s nose.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose; engines screamed, sirens wailed and larger-than-life, burly men and women (many with guns’ cocked) flooded the sidewalk.

Carla’s jaw hit the floor for the second time that day, but it was nothing like the shock she experienced when she realized that all guns were trained on her. She bit her lip and looked around...the “Cash Wad Woman” had disappeared, but her handbag had somehow attached itself to Carla’s shoulder.

Oh, my…how had she managed to pull it off…and transfer the evidence that stealthily
...and how on earth was she going to explain it?

Daily Freewrite by @mariannewest

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