#zapfic microfiction writing contest - Week 110

She was a stunning woman but she was actually very mean for all the things she did to her stepdaughter
But her daughters did not marry (God's punishment) and her stepdaughter lived a stunning world.
And never heard of the stunning witch again


Source: Twigaconseils - Pixabay.

This is my entry to the #zapfic writing contest.

#zapfic is a micro-fiction writing contest created by the friend @felt.buzz, which is about a brief writing of 240 characters, where you must capture a story in that short writing.

To participate in the contest, here is the link:


We are at week 110 and the given word is: Stunning.

On that word create a story and join the fun. You will like !


If you are not sure about counting the characters, you can use WordCounter here:


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