Facing cyclone isn't a Adventure

Human life is the most unpredictable thing that exists in this world and it is impossible to predict what will happen to us in the next minute. For that reason, our life is the most precious thing specially for our family members.

image from Pexels
In recent time means till a few hours ago we faced a cyclone that damaged badly those locations specially those places which exist near the ocean. Based on the news in one area more than 2000 houses were destroyed fully and more than 10k houses were damaged moderately in Cox's Bazar area. Still, now I haven't here any news about the death of anybody which is a very good thing for me. Some experts said that the damage that occurred because of the cyclone was less than how they predicted. From one perspective it's also a piece of good news.

In our area, except for rainfall, we haven't faced anything serious. It was like a normal rainy day for our area which was unexpected because we were mentally prepared to face the heavy damage of the cyclone. I think we are lucky enough and for that reason, nothing happened. And I believe it is the best news for us today.

I really felt sad who already lost their house and lost their asset to the cyclone. But I felt very sad when I login into Facebook. ( Generally, I don't use Facebook but entered there to see the updates about today. ) There I have seen that some people said they are upset because nothing happened in our area. In fact, some of them said It would be better if they were in Cox's Bazar. So that they could enjoy the cyclone from there.

Our area was not infected by the cyclone. Wasn't that a blessing from Almighty?!!! After receiving the blessing now people feel regret for receiving the blessing. What I should say? It's ridiculous or those people are mentally sick?

I think those people are thinking that cyclone is such kind of thing to enjoy or make adventure at least based on their post I feel it.

Should I say that humanity almost disappeared from their heart? Can't they understand the suffering of those people who lost their houses and assets?

I think those people who posted with regret feeling thought that facing a cyclone is an adventure or they are not mature enough to understand how furious and destructive a cyclone can be. I just hope they will be mature someday or receive the proper mental treatment ( sorry for the harsh statement).

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