Can an adaptation be better than the original? (Part 4)

Hey guys! Ok so we've already gotten through three acts:

Act I Act II Act III

Act III started this story down an extra segment that ties together more of the information we'd gotten from miHoYo prior to the release of their original Fontaine story. And by the time of their Act IV things were starting to pick up towards the climax. And that's how I wanted to leave things with mine as well.

So please see Act IV below:

There was a tonal shift when Fontaine released. Previously we'd been getting all kinds of information about how people were worried that "judgment was coming" and there were several problems going on in the region. Even in the companion World Quest which is a separate story following less central NPC characters there was an overarching sense of dread about where things were headed and a literal doomsday clock forcing us to see the story to resolution in time. But the Fontaine story ended up being very light-hearted for the most part. Nobody was actually waiting on judgment. It even felt like nobody actually cared even after literally seeing a person dissolve into water in front of them which was a part of the doomsday prophecy.

So that's one thing my version changed back. You can see the pacing of mine feels faster, like things are always in motion. This was detailed at the start of the last act where Paimon lists out our several ongoing tasks all of which sounded like they had deadlines. This act played all of it forward so it ends pretty much at the climax. In miHoYo's original version the attack on the Archon did still happen but it happened some time ago in the background and then nothing came of it except that the Archon was scared. I feel by moving it to the present and having it play out in real time brings a sense of urgency which will then take us to Act V. So I'll see you guys for that next time!

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