Duckling -5minutefreewrite

Ducks are cute and ducklings are even cuter. We're obsessed with youth, aren't we. We're just like, numnumnum, give me the youthfulness of my youth. I will consume it and be young again. NOMNOMNOM

And then the day ends and we're like, ugh, still tired. Duck you, oldness!

Ducklings swim and some of them are slow and so the little boy spanks the last one with a paddle or something. I have remember that book. But the duck is so grateful to get in the boat that she's happy to have been spanked? Children's books have always been discomfiting.

Cheers to the nerds who have succeeded in making memes. I am sure ducklings feature in many memes, but I can't think of any right now.

There's so much more to do than be a memer. I need to read the hundreds of emails I haven't, for one. I also need to do things that, does it really matter if I do them? We need more hours in the day. Maybe even

no. I dunno. We need some help to cover some of the other work in our day? or, no. I'm happy to do most of the things I do. I need to figure out how to be happy to do some things with just have a mind. DUCK.

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