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LORD HELP MY ERECTION... "A Generation of Humans LED by their MANHOOD"

"The stupidity of erection is that most times it isn't selective. Unchecked erection has led great kings to be at the bed of their slaves and housemaids. Stupid erection has led most men to have sex with their blood relatives, animals, housemaids, in-laws, strangers, etc".


Hi Hivers, I hope this piece enlightens you.
ERECTION is a state of arousal of sexual desires in preparation for sexual exploitation. Hey, not only men experience erections, women do too. As a woman, does your body arouse with longings for sexual satisfaction? If YES, then that's an Erection. Having an erection is natural but obeying the dictations of your erection is a choice. For every erection, there's a responsibility. Wise men and women have control over their erections but foolish men and women obey the call of their erection. Any erection not properly controlled is capable of leading one to an early grave. Unsolicited erection is no respecter of persons. Anointing, Righteousness, Godliness, Strength, Age, etc has no power over erection, only SELF-CONTROL AND SELF DISCIPLINE can curb an erection.

Many have become irresponsible fathers and unprepared mothers because they didn't control their erections. Some are in prison because they followed the dictates of their stupid erection. Others have lost great opportunities in life because their erection pushed them. Most men are bedridden at the altar of uncontrollable erection. The stupidity of erection is that most times it isn't selective. Unchecked erection has led great kings to be at the bed of their slaves and housemaids. Stupid erection has led most men to have sex with their blood relatives, animals, housemaids, in-laws, strangers, etc.


A strong man is not measured by the level of his physical muscle or by the number of nations he has conquered but by his ability to control his erection. No man in history could be said to be more powerful than SAMSON yet his erection made him the weakest in history. His erection made him fall on the lap of a woman. DAVID killed Goliath and conquered many great nations but he couldn't conquer his erection. He became weak at the sight of Bathsheba, the wife of his servant. REUBEN ruined his future and generations after him because of his uncontrolled erection. Don't let your erection destroy your destiny!

Your erection is a sign that you are a real man or woman but following it everywhere it leads you is a sign of weakness. Any man/woman who cannot control his/her erection can't control his/her life. The only time your erection cannot mislead you is when you use it within the confines of your marriage. Stop following your erection, YOU ARE NOT AN ANIMALS, but a HUMAN. Even some animals don't sleep around.

Lord help us... A generation of IMMORAL men/women preaching MORALITY.


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