My Five Minutes of Free Writing #46 / cold nose



When I read about the free writing proposal, cold nose I think of cold, my mind quickly goes to the most terrifying episode we have lived recently covid-19, although this virus is far from looking or behaving like a common cold, today we must adapt to live with it as with the common cold.

Many people in our environment due to the rains and cold sometimes get colds, the change of weather plays an important role in this type of situation, but although it is usually uncomfortable because it causes general discomfort, it can never be compared to what a person who has been infected with covid-19 experiences.

Personally, my immune system works quite well since I rarely suffer from the common cold, however, I can perfectly describe what it feels like in both cases because I am a covid-19 survivor and have suffered from a cold on several occasions.

This is cold weather, so many people will surely have a cold nose, and some may catch a cold, so it is necessary to be very careful, be cautious and wrap up warmly to go outdoors.

Now... Although we will not experience temperatures as low as in North America or Europe, this weather here in our country in some regions more than others, brings with it a pleasantly cold weather where many will experience the "cold nose syndrome".

For this reason it is necessary to invite you to enjoy your Christmas but taking measures not to get sick, not to catch a cold that puts at risk to enjoy this holiday season with health.

Another thing that evokes the term cold nose is that of a puppy, a newborn dog that when you approach it you will notice that it has a pleasantly cold nose.

Ok friends greetings and enjoy the upcoming Christmas, lots of happiness and family sharing, is my wish for all of you.

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