5 Minute Freewrite Day #1542 - "Brown Eyes"



The myriad of feelings Belinda experienced when looking into his eyes was inexplicable in any concise form. They were simultaneously the most beautiful things she had ever seen and at one point one of the main reasonings for her deep love for Juan; yet now there was a darkness to their beauty.

So beautiful, so majestic, a glimmer of hope in them and a shimmer of sadness under the right light; but a sadness that shapes a man rather than destroys him.

Yet, now, they were set to destroy him, for Bel also knew what else these eyes were culpable for. They wander; they lie; they deceive. They are manipulative in every conceivable way. They had strayed and allowed a man she thought was forever to betray her in the worst of ways; with her own sister, nonetheless.

But they shan't hurt me again, she thought, as she stared into them for one last time; the finality of it only known to her. As she watched her lover sip his poison-filled cocktail, she watched those eyes slowly close around eyelids, for the final time.

what is happening? what is this? where am i? where is my beautiful Bel? Juan thought as he opened his eyes to a blinding overhead light. He didn't know where he was, and he certainly didn't know why. He was unable to move his limbs as he tried; yet the numbness of them did not even allow him to recognize the fact he had been strapped down. The last he remembered was a romantic night with his lover, sipping a glass of red wine as she twirled around their modest apartment; one he had so regrettably tainted the week before. yet she doesn't know

oh thank goodness Bel appeared before his eyes.

"Hi, baby" she said, in a sing-song voice

"Bel.." he said weakly, only then realizing the difficulty it took to speak. "What is going on? Where am I?"

"Shhhhhhhhh" with a raised finger and an unfamiliar smile. He could tell she was crying at the same time. His gaze shifted to her hands, which were moving more directly between their gaze. They laid upon a pair of tools he could hardly make out; and a soft voice "it's ok baby. You couldn't help yourself. But, these eyes will not betray you again"

Bel cried and laughed and died and lived as she began her project. Removing the eyes that had caused her so much joy in the past; and subsequently so much pain presently. Those beautiful brown eyes, she thought. For "happier ever after"

(this was a prompt by @mariannewest for a 5 minute freewrite! Check her out, and the Freewriters community)

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