Walking Away with Grace

Falling in love with someone is normal we all are humans and have feelings which make us do so but falling in love with a person who never cares about you.

Your value in his life is not more than a tin box which he used when filled with soda and then got thrown out of his life.


You can't force a relationship on someone it's human nature that the more you hold tight more they start to pull away from you. just let them fly. One who wants to stay will surely stay even if you push them back and one who doesn't want to even if you hold tightly will surely break these ropes.

*Proof your self is strong enough that you can walk from a place where no one needs you. You can't fix it at any place.

Have you ever seen an apple slice fixed on the orange side it's impossible the same goes with you every person has their specific place find one where you fix the best.

It's difficult to leave a person but not impossible day you learn to separate yourself from people who never care about you is the day you learn the rule to live a happy life.

If someone is continuously hurting your self-respect but in return also loving you just leave them because life without love is possible but without respect you are nothing.

Believe in yourself that god never makes anything worthless. Never let anyone question your existence you are precious in your way.

It's always better to lower your head in front of god instead of people who spread his hand in front of god he will never let him spread his hand in front of anyone else.

Never run behind successful people make yourself successful so that people run behind you. Wake up every morning to prove yourself an active member of society who doesn't need anyone in his life who doesn't respect him because if you don't demand people will never give you. So demand respect and be one of the respectful members of society.

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