Silence; A Powerful Tool For Personal Growth and Self-discovery

Silence is a powerful tool for greatness but if not welled utilised may lead to destructions. Silence comes naturally to some people, while for some it doesn't.


The world is full of noise and so much distractions. It require only one who is smart, to realise, they need silence to remain focus in life. Silence, is also an action that can be learned and practiced.

It has been said, that, in silence great characters are formed. This is because, silence leads to self-introspection and self-discovery. What most people don't know is that, silence, helps one to gain attention, helps one in listening,it inspire creativity and helps one to inculcate the virtue of patients.

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Ways silence Can be helpful

1.Silence Wins you attention: It is very easy to win people's attention and get them to listen to what you have to say with the power of silence. You don't need any manipulated skills to exhibit this. What you simply need to do, is to stay silent for people to take note of what you have to say naturally and then offer their full attention to you.

2.Silence allows effective listening: life in general, involves listening to others, welcoming lots of advice and given yourself lots of room for improvement. It is impossible to receive this feedbacks and learn from the experience from others if one is a poor listener. People who practice silence tend to be good listeners, because they allow others to speak first. The more feedback you are opened to, the more your chances of improving and succeeding in your task.

3.Silence helps one practice patients: **patient is one of the many virtues that helps one to perfect the power of silent. We often encounter events in our day to day life that may tend to frustrate us. We sometimes may not have the tools to control aspects of others that irritate us but, we can control however, how we react to those situations through silence. The more silence we practice, the higher we tolerate what go es on around us.

4.Silence helps one to Regain Focus: It is sometimes difficult to concentrate especially in the world of distractions we are in today. Most people find it difficult to focus on task Because of the many noises around them. To concentrate better, try silence, find a quiet place or environment it will help you focus and to recollect on your quest.

5.Silence inspire Creativity: There cannot be a creative process without silence. You might not consider yourself a created person, but the truth is that, everyone applies some level of creativity to task in their daily life. For instance, myself. I build up ideas more in silence. You can try it and see.

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Silence is so powerful that, it helps in personal growth by providing a moment of self-reflection and introspection. It subjects one to meaningful thinking that helps one make a better decisions.

Through silence, we foster a deeper connection with ourselves and others. So, embracing moments of silence can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. Try it and thank me later.

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