First Holidays together with Sky and some thoughts



Hello everyone! And Happy Holidays!

While I started getting ready my posts for the blog in advance storing everything as drafts because Christmas Holidays were always very busy for us with plenty of cooking, shopping, sending gifts, and a lot more, I thought that I would skip writing down a specific post for this period of the year.

I said this thinking that I didn't achieve any of my goals set at the beginning of the year, as well as there are not many things that have happened in my life in the last year that I am proud of and felt like sharing.

But as it's always a lot easier to remind about dark thoughts, bad moments, disappointments and basically anything negatively, I dug deep into my folders of memories looking for the good ones and thinking that it wasn't such a bad year overall.

First of all, I managed to get to know a lot more people on Hive than I did in the previous 5 years since I'm on the chain, this being the 6th anniversary for me. Also, I am very close to my goal of 2,000 followers on here so if this doesn't happen by the end of the year then 2024 should definitely tick that down off my list.
When it comes to travelling, I ended up exploring a new country as well as got back to my yearly roadtrip tradition exploring less known parts of Romania with my family that took a break for two years, which is definitely a nice achievement.


But what is the most important thing for me and which did change my life a lot, was adopting Sky at the end of April. At first, this happened with the thought of taking care of him until finding him a good family and adopt him further. But both I and my boyfriend didn't need more than 5 minutes until we realized that Sky picked us as his adoptive family and we would betray him by finding a different family for him.

Now I know that there are a lot of people who own pets, but while I have wanted a pet in my life since I was a kid, now I am at the age and maturity when I don't see Sky as a pet, nor treat him as one, but as a child or a human being that left the attitude and behaviour of a cat a long way behind him.

I know this might sound funny, but it's the truth. Including both my family and the people I met along my life that either stayed or concluded a chapter in my life, there was no one understanding me better than Sky, nor supporting me when I needed the most.


I'm saying that from the perspective of being a complex person with lots of thoughts of all kinds and feelings that can't be explained in words, but where, somehow, this little buddy who's not even one year old, was always there for me without doing or saying anything to make me feel better. He was just always there, by my side.

And all these rows written, also represent my biggest achievement this year, as well as the best Christmas Holidays I have, which even if they always happen around my family which is the most important for me, it's the first such event celebrated with Sky that reunited the family more, without even realizing it.

So with these thoughts, a clear mind, an open heart, and lots of emotion, I wish Happy Holidays to everyone reading this post, praying that everyone founds peace in this period no matter the part of the world they are located at. I hope the next year will be a soft one for everyone so we take a break from disasters and recharge our batteries, and that we will grow not just in age but also in faith, wisdom and love!

With love,
Gabriela & Sky 🖤


Gabriela Travels is the FOUNDER of "Festival Mania" who started this community from the passion of attending various festivals and with the purpose of encouraging more people to explore festivals all around the world and share their experiences. At the same time, Gabriela is an independent Graphic Design Freelancer since 2019 completing over 600+ orders in this time and collaborating with various businesses and people from all over the globe. Additionally, Gabriela has her own corner on the internet since 2017 where she writes various articles for her blog, the most popular being the travel ones (260+ articles written on this field), but also abording other topics as well, like game reviews, movie and series reviews, photography posts, cooking recipes and more, boosting the total number of articles written to 550+ blog posts. Gabriela is also a gamer since she was 11 years old and gaming remains one of her biggest passions along with traveling, editing, cooking, and doing various sports activities.

~ @GabrielaTravels ~

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