5 minutes freewrite prompt: Supernatural Conference

The kind of speech that was coming out of the big hall was such that make anyone to understand that what was going on in the big hall was not ordinary.

I was there at the big hall but immediately I read meaning to the speech make by the masks men, I find myself way out of the big hall, I did it for safety, because it seems I was in a bad place.

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There were speeches that were not ordinarily, but they make it and as I heard it, i was touch about it and I realized that something isn't right on the process.

The conference hall was filled with supernatural beings, that was what I find out after I have left there, I and some few people were human, I didn't hesitate to signal others from the outside and they all left the big hall too.

"Let me see what is their intentions, because it seems, they were not from our planet".

Later on, a message was passed across everyone mobile gadgets, that the day has come to unite the two world again, and this is done on every fifty years.

I didn't go out because those people I see that were putting on masks scares me, and besides, I do not like something that is supernatural in nature.

Admirably, the event was throrougly conducted and all activities was performed as intended.

I wake up and I found myself on the floor, I told my neighbor about it. she told me, I shouldn't think hard on it.

Throughout that day when once I see people putting on masks on the road, I will think the person is one of those people I saw in my dream, but I was wrong about it all, no masks men were in our town.

This is my entry in the 5 minutes freewrite prompt by @mariannewest

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