Outlet for Creativity...


Hello everyone, how are you doing today?
The issue of creativity is a subject I love to write about everytime because it has to do with innovation and creating something new.

Let me define the topic for a start:

A creative outlet can be any number of things —as long as the activity allows you to disconnect from your everyday reality and focus on the moment through creativity. Link

Just as the name says, people see the creative outlet from different perspective. Here is another perspective:

It is an act of changing up your normal routine, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and paying attention to the present moment. There are all types of creative outlets, including cooking, writing, drawing, playing an instrument, knitting, etc. Link

Personally, I will say the outlet for creativity is all about the channels of innovation. The inspiration or ways in which creative acts come from.

A major pointer to this is to make sure the mind is open always to do things out of the ordinary, to do things not done before. If we focus on a particular method or the way things has been done before, we are not opening the outlet for creativity but when we go with the flow, it helps creativity possible.

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