Neglected Suburb...


Hello everyone, how are you doing today?
I would start by defining suburbs because I seem to forget the meaning myself from time to time,but I think we all know the meaning of neglected. Both words are interwoven and they work hand in hand.

The definition of suburbs is below:

A suburb is a residential district located on the outskirts of a city. If you live in the suburbs, you probably travel to the city for work. Link

Neglected would simply mean to abandon or not count as important. This leads to what I said earlier about the words having a deeper meaning together.

An abandoned or neglected area can eventually become a suburbs because it will eventually become the outskirts of a town.

When people move to the urban or more lucrative places because of work, they neglect their residential area and it will be a suburbs. This is why I said they both work together.

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