I think you know me

I think you know me.
Am that random tramp whose hopes lies on today. I think no further about tomorrow and the future, brood forgiveness and quit sinking in my dreams.

I never stop nor worry not even the pains can hold me. Because I've been broken many times. Betrayed often and even left for dead.

All my mistakes don't make me less of a man because I know how to put my ego aside and talk about them. So today am caught up in the middle of who I am and what I love.

What happens next isn't going to bother me. What people say about me wouldn't matter not even the lies they whisper behind me.

But I'll just learn how to make the best out of what I've got maybe that's why my dad always groaned "Do what you can with what you have at where you are".

To them, am a gold digger because am humble enough to stay quiet like a stone. They brood behind me words that should make me bite their head off yet I chuckle in awe, sit back and relax.

Sometimes I wonder what they'll say about me when am gone. When my silence will cloud me for the rest of eternity. Yes, I understand people will always criticize me but am not dumb enough not to listen and grow up where am supposed to.

Live and learn is the watchword. Trust and obey is the key then trusting the process will remain my utmost focus and orientation.

Life's a journey, a dream which is the seedlings of reality. Should I press forward or shy away thus remaining heartless because I left my heart at home which is the place where my heart is.

I found faith in God, developed a whole bunch of trust then surrendered all to him. My faith will no longer fluctuate like Nigerian electricity neither will my character segregate like the racists but for the rest of my life, I will wake with one intent to write out my thoughts, maybe that way I can keep my sanity.

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