Oh No....... WRITERS BLOCK!!!

Wow I have been trying to look for inspiration for a week now but it hasn't come I've tried to post but it has only brought me to procrastination I've tried to enter some contest on hive like #Zapfic contests by @freewritehouse but after I lost a couple of times I lost interest but it's a pretty cool competition you can check it out its posted on the Freewriters Community. Anyway so the bottom line is i try to write go to notes and try to type something but o can't even make it through the first word. I e had writers block but his was something else. I tried writing all those sappy love stories that always have some type of exaggerated description for instance

She knew this was it her heart pumping his hair moving in he wind which blew the amazing yet subtle smell of his axe body spray. He was perfect everything about him form his amazing her his smooth and tender face which always gave away he's soft yet stern smile which always wipes her off her feet.............

Sorry I got a little bit carried away here😅 I'm actually pretty good at it. Anyway if I had to continue it would have expanded on her misfortunes and how she was nothing compared to him and their two world apart and it goes on and on and on, until they got back to the original story and finally end with a kiss. Well I tried writing this but I couldn't pull it off. Although I just did it now I wasn't able to go beyond 100 words before I threw up at the cheesiness of my own writing.

I also tried writing on
My new book which I have been posting regularly you can check on the previous chapters if you like. See I've already written down basically the whole book on paper, but to start typing again is really tiring. You see I've been trying to find inspiration but nothing nothing seemed to be working. And that's he worst feeling you know cause I really want to post but I just can't. I tried finding a Hive hero who I can look up to but I couldn't find anyone well so far anyway. To be honest I have no idea how I'm actually writing this right now I guess I was just trying to trick the brain.

Me: Mahn I haven't posted on two whole weeks and I really want to post.

Brain: But it's so hard and the Tv is so easy.

Me: But but.......

Brain: you know you want it.

Me: I don't know what to write so why don't I write about not knowing what to write

Brain: Hold on Hold on are you trying to trick me cause i think it's working.

Well I guess it works cause here I am. I also read a lot of posts on what to do when you have writers block and it didn't help my situation don't get me wrong I mean they were great but it didn't work for me in particular so I came to the conclusion that this isn't just writers block buy that this is something more something that even goes beyond procrastination i started to think that maybe this was some type of condition. And so I would finally have something to write about just imagine it @exceltigaming diagnosed with a strange medical condition that even doctor's are yet discover yet this condition is called Writers death!.

Well my birthdays not to far so that will probably give me something to write about. I hope it does because I've lost my touch well that's if I ever had a touch in the first place the drive to write or just the inspiration is really really lacking I hope I get it back and soon.

There was one more thing I wanted to say oh yeah........ Oh no WRITERS BLOCK!!!!!!?

I hope you excel in whatever you do.

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