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What Love Means ❤️❤️❤️

Chapter Eighteen

It was a bright Saturday I had woke up on time and done few house choice that was left out the previous day and was feeling bored so I decided to visit Tobi in his apartment.
I arrived as he was about to step out of this apartment gate and then I greeted him he replied and said he was going to get something at the next street so I offered to tag along since there was nothing I would be doing if I decided to wait for him.
We have not walked more than a few steps when I sighted David with his cell phone in his hands concentrating on it and then I felt my own cell phone ring he told me he wanted to visit but not today then his eyes darted towards us he stared at Tobi who wasn't aware of what was happening and returned his gaze back to me then he walked close.
"Hey babe I was calling your cell phone it's a luck I saw you I think I missed my way,"he said smiling at me and then Tobi became aware of him.
"Ohh you should have told me you were coming,"
"Sorry I wanted to surprise you my love," he said to Toby's amazement cuz he was now feeling kind of embarrassed or so.
"Uhmmm Miriam I think I will just go get the stuff alone since you have a visitor," he said but then he sounds angry or maybe to me.
"Yeah am so sorry Tobi maybe i could visit tomorrow,"I said apologetic.
"It's fine,"he replied and walked away leaving me and David to walk all the way back to my apartment and as soon as he was out of earshot he said"Who is he," he asked.
"And how is that your business," I replied.
"C'mon babe I gat to know because am an important part in your life and I want to protect you,"he said firmly.
"Says who David, please can we just talk about something else,"I replied sharply.
"Okay fine,i missed you love,"he said sheepishly.
"Whatever,"I replied increasing my pace and with him tagging behind.


"I don't want to die please"I said looking so scared,".
" Are you not talking back at me or do you prefer dying ,"she said angrily at me.
" please I don't want to die ,"
"Then you have to do what an elderly person tells you ,"she said with a scary face.
" I don't want to," I said running out of the room she kept following me repeating into my ears that she was ready to take my life if I didn't do what she wanted and then I jerked up from my sleep repeating I don't want to die I stared into Miriam's face scared to death and then I held her tight in a hug just to comfort myself that it was all just another bad dream I was tired of having these very nightmare not minding how Miriam got into my apartment I still held on to her for comfort she was really surprised to see me that way but then she held me like a baby placing a hand on my back patting me gently more like a motherly way but then my heart was beating fast again and then the thought of confessing to her crept into my mind a in between my fears.


I proceeded slowly towards the library had my ear pod on listening to music as always,it has been a busy day in class maybe because it was our last year in school the lectures has been taking more hours to end Mariam had told me she was going to meet up with one of her friends so we couldn't come together.
I was close to the library door about to get inside when someone held me by the arm I looked back and stared into Michelle's face I removed my ear pod so I could hear what he wanted to say.
"Can we talk,"he said kinda rudely.
But then I decided to hear what he wanted to talk about so I followed him all the way to the garden behind the library.
When we got there he stopped and started the talking "who are you to Miriam," came the question.
"Pardon.......... maybe you should ask her that question,"I answered coldly.
"Ohh maybe..... I don't even care to know okay but then I want you to stay away from her,"
. "Excuse me i don't get............,"I tried to say something but he interrupted.
"You heard me right I don't want to see you anywhere near her again," he said angrily hitting me with his shoulder and walking away.
"Was he threatening me? Or this is just some kind of joke? This even got me more anxious to know what is relationship really was with Miriam maybe it's time I asked her the very question I have been avoiding.


David and I had went to have fun just a little because he persuaded me to go with him I had promised to visit Toby in his apartment if I got back on time but it was late already when I arrived in my apartment.
But then I chatted him up and apologized for breaking the promise and assured him we could spend the coming weekend together if he doesn't have a schedule and he told me it was fine by him.
The days went by so fast that it's was another weekend, Michelle and I had spent most of the days together but I managed to make time out to visit the library with Toby twice.
After washing my clothes and arranging my apartment I went over to Toby's place and when I got there he was just done arranging his own place too, we both sat on the sofa silent for minutes when is voice finally came up.
"Miriam can i ask a question,"he said.
""Yeah sure what's that,"I answered.
"What's your relationship with Michelle cuz I'm confused his he your guy," the question caught me off-guard but I think it's time I tell him.
"Well....... Michelle is not my guy but my best friend from year 1 in school,"I told him calmly.
"But why did he kept insisting I stay away from his girl which is you," he asked
" Was he threatening you,"I asked feeling anger burning inside me.
"Nope we were just having a conversation,"
"I wonder what type of conversation that could have brought this question up Toby you know what I will tell you everything at the right time," I said frankly.
"And when is the right time Miriam because I'm confused here," he said sounding angry.
You can't force words out of me ok just let me be and I'll tell you everything at the right time when I feel like I'm done with this conversation.......,"I said standing up I was boiling with anger as memories rushed back into my head.
"I'm off I will see you around," I said storming out of his house.

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