My chant and salute.


What is this beautiful thing?
Beautiful and wonderful
Without you can lives exist?

I look around
I see you everywhere
I can't breathe without you
I can't eat without you
You are the source of herbs
Oh nature.

When you look at your environment, there are so many things that surround you
Whether you can see them or not.
Some are on the surface of earth.
Others are beneath the earth.

Nature is beautiful.

Nature has gifts for you.
What have you not given us?
Is tree for herbs
Is it vegetation for food
Water for life you gave us
Maintain, valley, and animals ,birds are all for us.

Look at the sun
Look at the sky
Look at the moon
Look at the stars

Don't destroy but preserve and protect these of nature.
Plant trees
Use Stones wisely
Use the land correctly
Don't jumble things.
Nature is stronger than Artificial
All artificial come from nature
Respect nature.

My salute is to the nature
My chant is to the nature
My praise is to the nature
My thanks is to the nature
Nature is God
God is nature
Nature is powerful
Respect nature.

All pictures are mine

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