The Last Bus Driver!

His name was Richard, at least that much I knew about him, from shuttling between my workplace and my house after a long day at work.
It was the last bus and he was the driver, so he would always pull up at the bus stop every evening to ferry weary workers home.
My life was pretty much routine, working as a Chief Clerk in a Superstore. Each day just blends into the other, with nothing much happening around me, and I wanted it that way. Simple! 'No relationships, no complications, not after the last break-up.' I quickly steered my thoughts away from that direction.It was not worth it.

My workplace was situated in the heart of the City, where the rhythm of life was set by the glitters of street lights, the hum of engines and the shuffle of footsteps. Every evening, I would hurry to catch Richard's bus, not just me but many others who wouldn't want to be left stranded after the last bus was gone.

One rainy evening, with the humdrum patter of raindrops on the bus roof, I quietly dozed off. The rain's calming effect and tiredness taking their toll on me, I was soon in Dreamland.

'Miss, where are you getting off? The question cut through my dreams as my eyes flew open. The bus was empty save for me and the bus driver.

'Sorry, I must have slept off', my face in consternation as I muttered. Then I looked around me to try and get my bearing and fortunately, I was still in my neighborhood. I heaved a sigh of relief.

'Buuh it's okay, I will walk back a few steps, my house is just around the corner.... Umm, tha-nk yo-u, I stammered as I jumped to my feet, holding my bag close.

'Are you sure you will be okay? His voice showed a lot of concern.

'Ya, sure,' I answered as I scrambled down the stairs unto the wet tarmac. It had stopped raining but there were puddles everywhere.

The days following were very busy for me, and tiring too, so I would nestle by the corner of the bus and that was it. Richard would wake me up whenever we got to my bus stop. He understood and he never complained. And I was grateful for that.

The ride home was long and windy but the city's scenery was beautiful tonight. I wasn't sleepy. I loved how the City bubbled with so much life and glitz on a Friday night like this.
When I turned my face away from the window, my eyes met and locked with that of Richard's who has developed a penchant for casting meaningful glances my way, especially in the rearview mirror. It keeps happening and I have no words yet to express what I felt each time. I didn't want to give meaning to those shared stolen glances.
The more I tried to convince myself that there was nothing to them, the more I failed.

I knew he liked me, the way his eyes followed me around, his courteousness, his smile, the stolen glances when he thought I wasn't looking..... Everything!

And then I started looking forward to the bus rides home.

And he was a fine man with a likeable personality.

And I found him very attractive.

And I felt a subtle connection between us.

And those sparks flickered like the city's lights as each day passes by.

And I hope I'm wrong for all the right reasons. I wasn't ready for this.

He was the last bus driver and that was it. I chided myself.

I stood on my feet as the bus came to a halt at my stop. I was always the last passenger to get off.

'Dolly can you go out with me on a date tomorrow night perhaps? His voice which was husky with so much emotion, floated across to me, 'I can't keep it in anymore, I just want to be with you please'.

'Me too Richard, I can't fight this anymore' my voice was croaked and my words surprised me even more, but it was the absolute truth.

The bustling City with all the glitters and flickers witnessed a love story that began in a bus but continued to travel far beyond its final stop, with the last bus driver.

Image designed with A.I.

Thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

I am @edith-4angelseu

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