A picture is worth a thousand words

Khalid attends Emperor high school, he was in grade 6. His sudden poor performance made his teacher, Miss Carl worried. One day she asked him why his grade suddenly dropped, concerned about his new score even in a subject he was good at.
"I rarely have any spare time to study when I go home" he told her as he lowered his head.

"I have a suggestion for you. Stay back an extra hour after school and study. I'll tell your parents I hold extra classes with you" Miss Carl told him. Khalid was happy to know he could spend an extra hour after school to study.
"Thank You" he said while departing.

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The next day in school, Khalid had his extra pack of food, laptop, and a few extra books he hoped to study. His study place was set outside the school compound where students sit during break time. The first day was boring, sitting outside all alone even though he enjoyed the serenity. Gradually he started to cope and soon enjoyed his own company.

Miss Carl started to notice a significant improvement in his performance and even did much better.
"If you do better in your final exams, I'll guarantee you a scholarship in this institution" Miss Carl told him. Khalid had always wanted a scholarship and he felt this was an opportunity to grab. He studied harder to ensure he got a high score in the final exams and as luck and hard work will reward him, he came the overall best in the final exam and was awarded a scholarship.

This is in response to the Contest by freewritehouse. Everyone is welcome to participate

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