JACK AND JILL || #Pic1000

"Jack I'm feeling so bored!"

"That's so true Jill, I miss my friends from the old neighborhood."

Jack and Jill had to move into a new house with their parents. This was totally against their will because they had so many friends in their previous neighborhood. They Were fondly called the Jay twins. They were known for their love for adventure. With their friends, they would sneak out of school and journey through the woods and return home looking dirty and messed up.

These were among the reasons that made their parents decide to relocate. They were hoping that moving to a new house would cut them off from their friends and probably Make them less adventurous. This was why they moved to a big house, with a large compound, this way the kids could never interact with the neighbors.

"Jack, What Do You Say We Explore The Rooms In This Big House?"

"That sounds much better Than sitting here staring at the unending trees out the window."

They went Down the stairs, checking out each room one at a time. Some rooms were never left the same after they left. They turned the rooms upside down in the name of exploring.

They got to A room that was a bit difficult to open, Rather than letting it be, they persisted and kept trying to open the door.

"Jill, it seems we should move on to another door, this one is out of reach."

"Jack think about it, this could be where the best things are."

"But I'm tired of pushing already."

"C'mon Jack we can do this. I can feel it loosen. One more push. 1 2 go.."

They kept pushing till eventually the door gave in and opened with a creaking sound. Every corner of the room was full of cobwebs, the room seemed like no one has stepped into it for many years. As they explored the room, they discovered another door inside the room.

"Jill this is becoming creepy."

"That's why it is called an adventure."

They opened the second door and immediately they walked through the door, they fell into what seemed like a bottomless hole. They fell for several minutes until they finally landed in a dark place. They got up and picked up a wooden torch hanging on the wall.

"Jill where are we?"

"Jack I have no idea, it seems this house has some magic."

As they walked on seeking a way out, they came across a giant ant with 12 legs. Jack exclaimed in fear.

"Jill we are dead!"

"Don't Panic Jack, this is probably an illusion. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Just then the Ant screeched and stretched it's hands towards them.

"Run For Your Life!!"

Jill screamed.

They both ran as fast as they could, without looking back. They ran for a while, then they stumbled upon an old man who was sitting in a meditating position.


"Greetings sir! Please could you tell us how to get out of this place."

"How did you get here in the first place?"

They narrated their tale to the man. He smiled and Spoke some words to himself.

"Keep going straight, when you get to the T-junction ahead, take your left. After A short while, you will come across a red door. That is your way out."

"Thank you so much Sir!"

They were about leaving when the old man called them back.

"One more thing, When you get home, you will see the creature that pursues you here, lurking outside your door. You must kill it or it will forever hunt you."

They thanked the man once more and ran off, they were scared that the Giant ant might catch up with them. Following the old man's directions, they got home safely.

"Jill that was one scary adventure."

"It's not over yet! Grab A weapon let's go and kill the Giant ant like the old man said."

They searched around the house, but they couldn't find a perfect weapon. Jack grabbed A hammer while Jill grabbed a saw. They stepped outside but they couldn't see any giant ant like the old man said.

"It Seems The Old man was just pulling our legs."

Jill said, heading back into the house.

"Wait! Look!!" Jack Said pointing at a wooden stand at a corner.

They walked up to the stand and saw a tiny ant with 12 legs.

"This must be the evil Ant." Jack said.

"We brought heavy weapons for you, when we can easily crush you to death."

Jill said killing the ant with a little stick.




I see two boys standing over a wooden stand with tools.


I feel that these boys are curious about something they notice on the wood.


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