My Heart episode 2

Tilda has now agreed to date Dela but the reason only know to her. The first time Dela went to her room, he saw a male's shoe and a bag full of clothes. In his mind, this lady must be dating because he would have known if she was married.

The second visit, this same shoe was not at the said location. He calmly inquired about the shoe and she said, it's no more there. She has hidden it but what could be the reason?

The owner of this said shoe is called Kofi and they have been dating for almost a year and a half now. Tilda gradually did everything she could to make Dela fall in love with her everyday. Things he didn't have at home as well as the peace was given to him outside. The only happiness he had was with his little daughter. Sometimes, he had to sleep with empty stomach ones he himself couldn't go to the kitchen as a result of tiredness from work. Enduring this difficulties is hard but he hard an option. Now there was an excuse to leave home but he couldn't do that in the evenings especially when Tilda ask him to stay overnight.

This night issue started to creat a bit of rift between these two few days and months into their relationship. That had make love in between so the feelings for one another had intensified.

Their relationship had been built on distrust in their individual relationships and had to fine happiness where necessary. Kofi had been apparently given Tilda with a lot of pressure and nags which she couldn't bear any longer not to talk about Dela's own in his house.

Pressure started to mount on Dela, whether to fix his relationship with his wife or to focus on his new found happiness. Tilda was everything he ever dreamt off. She made him aware that, shes absolutely aware of his wife but agreed to be his lover. One day, Tilda asked Dela to come to her place. Around 4:30pm in the evening, he went there. There was a delicious meal for him to eat. Afterwards, Tilda pounced and him and gave him BJ and a result hot sex. He also returned the favor during the love making.

I remember what someone told me growing up. "Don't start what you cannot end".
Dela on usual bases will give her a kiss on her forehead and will ask for permission to go home but this time around the look on her face says it all. It's a no no today. You've got to stay with me through out the night. The last time he spent the night, his wife and child had travelled out of town so there was not gonna be any problem sneaking around. Though they have issue but that does not warrant him to sleep outside especially with his daughter looking up to him as a wonderful daddy.

Tilda made him aware that, he has to choose between his wife and her that night and this was really a difficult situation to be in. He pretended to have received a call with the motive of going home to find some excuse to go and sleep over. He managed to convince a friend to pretend to be a medical doctor, calling him to inform him that a brother in the next town has been admitted at the hospital so he should come there as soon as possible. This lie managed to work but on his way back to Tilda's house, she called him to tell him, she has shut her door and that, anywhere he is or is coming, he should remain there or go back home. The gentleman is now in a middle of a football game and has no one to pass the ball to.

Thanks for reading and wait patiently for the next episode of MY HEART.

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