Arise Ghana Youth




Kayayie is a local name given to a person who deals in carrying loads for people who buys good and services from our market centres. These women are given money for their services but sometimes these monies are not enough to take care of their family and themselves.

  • These young women are mostly people who come from the northern part of our country where most of the industries are not situated. The southern part has most of the economic activities going on so, these able people migrate to the South with the motive of coming to work to better their lives.

Sometimes, these people carry their kids at their back while carrying these heavy loads and it sometimes pathetic to see scenes like this. Children and young makes are also involved in this business.

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They come Accra the capital city with no body in mind. They are forced to sleep on the streets on the hard floor with at the mercy of the mosquitoes and rains.

  • I really don't think this people need much, it's what they will eat to sustain their families. At the North, there are vast lands which can be cultivated all year round with a bit of irrigation. This will help bring a bit of relieve on their shoulders. Migration will reduce which will also bring about development in the northern region.

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Sometime, I wonder if our traditional leader and political leaders past and present really fight for our interest or to enrich their pockets.

  • I don't think the youth of this country or my brothers in the North are asking for gold and diamonds. What they need is irrigation, some little money and fertilizer which are not difficult to get depending on the expensive vehicles they drive in

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I wish the youth are watching and would not be influenced by the behavior of our present leader but will have the nation at heart to develop of beloved nation Ghana.

All her brainy youth are seeking to leave the country which possess danger going into the future.
God save us all and help us build great leader from the youth to lead us to the promise Land

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