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Single Prompt Option - The Weekend Freewrite - 9/26/2021: Giving away power (again)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Sgt. Vincent Trent and his once-and-future bride Melissa reviewed all of the day's wonderful events by phone … each in bed, staying up talking to each other on the phone like they did when they were young.

“Wow, Vincent – you called Tito and Dolores called me!” Melissa said. “We just cried and cried – she's been praying and praying and is so happy for us and the family! It's like you never do know who God has out there helping you do right!

“Nope, but, pleasant surprises!”

A laugh, and then Melissa got quiet, and her husband waited until she was ready.

“You know, one of the things I have learned in therapy and in treatment is that even when our lives are out of control, and even when we know it's not really a secret, we like to pretend that it is sometimes because it's one last area of control. To admit to others what is happening is a form of giving away power.”

“Well, it is, Melissa. In the military world that is why the 'need-to-know' basis is important. The commanding general generally knows all that there is for him to know, but for him to spread that out too far is to let everyone put in their opinion and make their decisions, so his orders are precise, and then they get broken down further by all the commanders beneath him.

“Now, I'm a retired sergeant. I know that the orders I got contained just enough info for me to follow orders efficiently, and by no means had the big picture. Was it frustrating sometimes? Sure. Would the general be wise to have shared so much information with me as to put me in the potential situation of making decisions on his level in the field? Never. I'm a sergeant. I don't have the training to understand how to be a general.”

“I think you would have made a great general, Vincent.”

“I love hearing it from you, Melissa, because in my own life, you're married to General Trent. What I mean is, I already know none of the people around me understand what it means to be Vincent Trent. You are still the closest … I missed you so much … I just couldn't have another partner because of it.”

“Oh, wow, Vincent … I missed you too. It was literally driving me crazy. I'm so much better now!”

“So am I, Melissa, for real!”

They just let that sit for a moment, and then the sergeant continued.

“Obviously, our children are next closest on the instinctive level, but they are children. I can't tell them everything I would tell you – not even Melvin, our oldest, is ready for all levels of communication that are possible. So, really, everybody is on a need-to-know basis but God Himself, Who of course has us on a need-to-know basis with Him, but has a whole Book of orders, instructions, resources, letters from home – the works. Even God is not out here giving away His power – we live with Him day by day, not seeing the eternal picture except as He has chosen to describe it to us.”

“That's deep, Vincent. I mean, in therapy I thought that was kind of unhealthy, but it sorta goes with the stuff I'm learning about boundaries, too.”

“Two sides of the same coin … our lives are never going to be under control, letting everyone into our business … all those opinions, decisions, agendas. Tito knows because it was a big deal at base. My commander asked me why I was retiring from a position I loved, and I told him the truth: I gotta go get my family back. A lot of men who are bitter had a lot to say, but you see I left them and have only called Tito!”

Melissa laughed.

“I love you, General Trent,” she said.

“And I love you, milady Melissa.”